Manages a control connection from an FTP client. More...

#include <FtpServer.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ftp::Server:
Collaboration diagram for Ftp::Server:

Public Types

typedef CbcPointer< AsyncJobPointer
typedef CbcPointer< BodyProducerPointer

Public Member Functions

 Server (const MasterXaction::Pointer &xact)
 ~Server () override
void callException (const std::exception &e) override
 called when the job throws during an async call More...
void startWaitingForOrigin ()
void stopWaitingForOrigin (int status)
bool reading () const
 whether Comm::Read() is scheduled More...
void receivedFirstByte () override
 Update flags and timeout after the first byte received. More...
bool handleReadData () override
void afterClientRead () override
 processing to be done after a Comm::Read() More...
void afterClientWrite (size_t) override
 processing to sync state after a Comm::Write() More...
void sendControlMsg (HttpControlMsg) override
 called to send the 1xx message and notify the Source More...
void doneWithControlMsg () override
void readNextRequest ()
 Traffic parsing. More...
void kick ()
 try to make progress on a transaction or read more I/O More...
bool isOpen () const
int64_t mayNeedToReadMoreBody () const
const Auth::UserRequest::PointergetAuth () const
void setAuth (const Auth::UserRequest::Pointer &aur, const char *cause)
bool transparent () const
const char * stoppedReceiving () const
 true if we stopped receiving the request More...
const char * stoppedSending () const
 true if we stopped sending the response More...
void stopReceiving (const char *error)
 note request receiving error and close as soon as we write the response More...
void stopSending (const char *error)
 note response sending error and close as soon as we read the request More...
void resetReadTimeout (time_t timeout)
 (re)sets timeout for receiving more bytes from the client More...
void extendLifetime ()
 (re)sets client_lifetime timeout More...
void expectNoForwarding ()
 cleans up virgin request [body] forwarding state More...
BodyPipe::Pointer expectRequestBody (int64_t size)
bool handleRequestBodyData ()
void notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle (PinnedIdleContext pic)
 Called when a pinned connection becomes available for forwarding the next request. More...
void pinBusyConnection (const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request)
void unpinConnection (const bool andClose)
 Undo pinConnection() and, optionally, close the pinned connection. More...
CachePeerpinnedPeer () const
bool pinnedAuth () const
virtual void noteTakeServerConnectionControl (ServerConnectionContext)
void clientReadFtpData (const CommIoCbParams &io)
void connStateClosed (const CommCloseCbParams &io)
void requestTimeout (const CommTimeoutCbParams &params)
void lifetimeTimeout (const CommTimeoutCbParams &params)
bool doneAll () const override
 whether positive goal has been reached More...
void swanSong () override
void quitAfterError (HttpRequest *request)
void stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring ()
 The caller assumes responsibility for connection closure detection. More...
Security::IoResult acceptTls ()
void postHttpsAccept ()
 the second part of old httpsAccept, waiting for future HttpsServer home More...
void startPeekAndSplice ()
 Initializes and starts a peek-and-splice negotiation with the SSL client. More...
void doPeekAndSpliceStep ()
void httpsPeeked (PinnedIdleContext pic)
 called by FwdState when it is done bumping the server More...
bool splice ()
 Splice a bumped client connection on peek-and-splice mode. More...
void getSslContextStart ()
 Start to create dynamic Security::ContextPointer for host or uses static port SSL context. More...
void getSslContextDone (Security::ContextPointer &)
 finish configuring the newly created SSL context" More...
void sslCrtdHandleReply (const Helper::Reply &reply)
 Process response from ssl_crtd. More...
void switchToHttps (ClientHttpRequest *, Ssl::BumpMode bumpServerMode)
void parseTlsHandshake ()
bool switchedToHttps () const
Ssl::ServerBumpserverBump ()
void setServerBump (Ssl::ServerBump *srvBump)
const SBufsslCommonName () const
void resetSslCommonName (const char *name)
const SBuftlsClientSni () const
void buildSslCertGenerationParams (Ssl::CertificateProperties &certProperties)
bool serveDelayedError (Http::Stream *)
char * prepareTlsSwitchingURL (const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp)
void add (const Http::StreamPointer &context)
 registers a newly created stream More...
void consumeInput (const size_t byteCount)
 remove no longer needed leading bytes from the input buffer More...
Http::StreamabortRequestParsing (const char *const errUri)
 stop parsing the request and create context for relaying error info More...
bool fakeAConnectRequest (const char *reason, const SBuf &payload)
bool initiateTunneledRequest (HttpRequest::Pointer const &cause, const char *reason, const SBuf &payload)
 generates and sends to a fake request with a given payload More...
bool shouldPreserveClientData () const
ClientHttpRequestbuildFakeRequest (SBuf &useHost, AnyP::KnownPort usePort, const SBuf &payload)
 build a fake http request More...
void startShutdown () override
void endingShutdown () override
NotePairs::Pointer notes ()
bool hasNotes () const
const ProxyProtocol::HeaderPointerproxyProtocolHeader () const
void updateError (const Error &)
 if necessary, stores new error information (if any) More...
void updateError (const err_type c, const ErrorDetailPointer &d)
 emplacement/convenience wrapper for updateError(const Error &) More...
void fillChecklist (ACLFilledChecklist &) const override
 configure the given checklist (to reflect the current transaction state) More...
void fillConnectionLevelDetails (ACLFilledChecklist &) const
void readSomeData ()
 maybe grow the inBuf and schedule Comm::Read() More...
void stopReading ()
 cancels Comm::Read() if it is scheduled More...
virtual void writeSomeData ()
 maybe find some data to send and schedule a Comm::Write() More...
void write (MemBuf *mb)
 schedule some data for a Comm::Write() More...
void write (char *buf, int len)
 schedule some data for a Comm::Write() More...
bool writing () const
 whether Comm::Write() is scheduled More...
void maybeMakeSpaceAvailable ()
 grows the available read buffer space (if possible) More...
bool canBeCalled (AsyncCall &call) const
 whether we can be called More...
void callStart (AsyncCall &call)
virtual void callEnd ()
 called right after the called job method More...
void handleStopRequest ()
 process external request to terminate now (i.e. during this async call) More...
virtual void * toCbdata ()=0
void wroteControlMsg (const CommIoCbParams &)
 callback to handle Comm::Write completion More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Comm::ConnectionPointer BorrowPinnedConnection (HttpRequest *, const AccessLogEntryPointer &)
static void sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper (void *data, const Helper::Reply &reply)
 Callback function. It is called when squid receive message from ssl_crtd. More...
static void Start (const Pointer &job)
static void RegisterWithCacheManager ()

Public Attributes

MasterState::Pointer master
 info shared among our FTP client and server jobs More...
Http1::TeChunkedParserbodyParser = nullptr
 parses HTTP/1.1 chunked request body More...
Ip::Address log_addr
struct {
   bool   readMore = true
 needs comm_read (for this request or new requests) More...
   bool   swanSang = false
struct {
   Comm::ConnectionPointer   serverConnection
   char *   host = nullptr
 host name of pinned connection More...
   AnyP::Port   port
 destination port of the request that caused serverConnection More...
   bool   pinned = false
 this connection was pinned More...
   bool   auth = false
 pinned for www authentication More...
   bool   reading = false
 we are monitoring for peer connection closure More...
   bool   zeroReply = false
 server closed w/o response (ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT) More...
   bool   peerAccessDenied = false
 cache_peer_access denied pinned connection reuse More...
   CachePeer *   peer = nullptr
 CachePeer the connection goes via. More...
   AsyncCall::Pointer   readHandler
 detects serverConnection closure More...
   AsyncCall::Pointer   closeHandler
 The close handler for pinned server side connection. More...
Ssl::BumpMode sslBumpMode = Ssl::bumpEnd
 ssl_bump decision (Ssl::bumpEnd if n/a). More...
Security::HandshakeParser tlsParser
SBuf preservedClientData
Error bareError
 a problem that occurred without a request (e.g., while parsing headers) More...
Security::KeyLogger keyLogger
 managers logging of the being-accepted TLS connection secrets More...
Comm::ConnectionPointer clientConnection
AnyP::ProtocolVersion transferProtocol
SBuf inBuf
 read I/O buffer for the client connection More...
bool receivedFirstByte_
 true if at least one byte received on this connection More...
Pipeline pipeline
 set of requests waiting to be serviced More...
const InstanceId< AsyncJobid
 job identifier More...
AsyncCall::Pointer cbControlMsgSent
 Call to schedule when the control msg has been sent. More...

Protected Types

enum  EarlyErrorKind {
typedef bool(Ftp::Server::* RequestHandler) (String &cmd, String &params)
 a method handling an FTP command; selected by handleRequest() More...
typedef void(Ftp::Server::* ReplyHandler) (const HttpReply *reply, StoreIOBuffer data)
 a method handling an FTP response; selected by handleReply() More...

Protected Member Functions

Http::StreamparseOneRequest () override
void processParsedRequest (Http::StreamPointer &context) override
 start processing a freshly parsed request More...
void notePeerConnection (Comm::ConnectionPointer conn) override
 called just before a FwdState-dispatched job starts using connection More...
void clientPinnedConnectionClosed (const CommCloseCbParams &io) override
 Our close handler called by Comm when the pinned connection is closed. More...
void handleReply (HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData) override
int pipelinePrefetchMax () const override
 returning N allows a pipeline of 1+N requests (see pipeline_prefetch) More...
bool writeControlMsgAndCall (HttpReply *rep, AsyncCall::Pointer &call) override
 handle a control message received by context from a peer and call back More...
time_t idleTimeout () const override
 timeout to use when waiting for the next request More...
void noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable (BodyPipe::Pointer) override
void noteBodyConsumerAborted (BodyPipe::Pointer ptr) override
void start () override
 called by AsyncStart; do not call directly More...
void acceptDataConnection (const CommAcceptCbParams &params)
void readUploadData (const CommIoCbParams &io)
 imports more upload data from the data connection More...
void wroteEarlyReply (const CommIoCbParams &io)
void wroteReply (const CommIoCbParams &io)
void wroteReplyData (const CommIoCbParams &io)
 called when we are done writing a chunk of the response data More...
void connectedForData (const CommConnectCbParams &params)
 Done establishing a data connection to the user. More...
unsigned int listenForDataConnection ()
bool createDataConnection (Ip::Address cltAddr)
 [Re]initializes dataConn for active data transfers. Does not connect. More...
void closeDataConnection ()
void userDataCompletionCheckpoint (int finalStatusCode)
void completeDataDownload ()
void calcUri (const SBuf *file)
 computes uri member from host and, if tracked, working dir with file name More...
void changeState (const Ftp::ServerState newState, const char *reason)
Http::StreamhandleUserRequest (const SBuf &cmd, SBuf &params)
bool checkDataConnPost () const
 Check that client data connection is ready for immediate I/O. More...
void replyDataWritingCheckpoint ()
 ClientStream checks after (actual or skipped) reply data writing. More...
void maybeReadUploadData ()
 schedules another data connection read if needed More...
void setReply (const int code, const char *msg)
void writeCustomReply (const int code, const char *msg, const HttpReply *reply=nullptr)
void writeEarlyReply (const int code, const char *msg)
void writeErrorReply (const HttpReply *reply, const int status)
 writes FTP error response with given status and reply-derived error details More...
void writeForwardedForeign (const HttpReply *reply)
void writeForwardedReply (const HttpReply *reply)
void writeForwardedReplyAndCall (const HttpReply *reply, AsyncCall::Pointer &call)
void writeReply (MemBuf &mb)
Http::StreamearlyError (const EarlyErrorKind eek)
 creates a context filled with an error message for a given early error More...
bool handleRequest (HttpRequest *)
void setDataCommand ()
bool checkDataConnPre ()
bool handleFeatRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handlePasvRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handlePortRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handleDataRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handleUploadRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handleEprtRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handleEpsvRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handleCwdRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handlePassRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
bool handleCdupRequest (String &cmd, String &params)
void handleFeatReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void handlePasvReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void handlePortReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void handleErrorReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void handleDataReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void handleUploadReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void handleEprtReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void handleEpsvReply (const HttpReply *header, StoreIOBuffer receivedData)
void startDechunkingRequest ()
 initialize dechunking state More...
void finishDechunkingRequest (bool withSuccess)
 put parsed content into input buffer and clean up More...
void abortChunkedRequestBody (const err_type error)
 quit on errors related to chunked request body handling More...
err_type handleChunkedRequestBody ()
 parses available chunked encoded body bytes, checks size, returns errors More...
Comm::ConnectionPointer borrowPinnedConnection (HttpRequest *, const AccessLogEntryPointer &)
 ConnStateData-specific part of BorrowPinnedConnection() More...
void startPinnedConnectionMonitoring ()
void clientPinnedConnectionRead (const CommIoCbParams &io)
bool handleIdleClientPinnedTlsRead ()
Http::StreamparseHttpRequest (const Http1::RequestParserPointer &)
void whenClientIpKnown ()
bool tunnelOnError (const err_type)
 initiate tunneling if possible or return false otherwise More...
bool mayBufferMoreRequestBytes () const
 whether client_request_buffer_max_size allows inBuf.length() increase More...
void doClientRead (const CommIoCbParams &io)
void clientWriteDone (const CommIoCbParams &io)
void deleteThis (const char *aReason)
void mustStop (const char *aReason)
bool done () const
 the job is destroyed in callEnd() when done() More...
virtual const char * status () const
 internal cleanup; do not call directly More...
void stopProducingFor (RefCount< BodyPipe > &, bool atEof)

Static Protected Member Functions

static void AcceptCtrlConnection (const CommAcceptCbParams &params)
 accept a new FTP control connection and hand it to a dedicated Server More...
static void ReportAllJobs (StoreEntry *)
 writes a cache manager report about all jobs existing in this worker More...

Protected Attributes

BodyPipe::Pointer bodyPipe
 set when we are reading request body More...
bool preservingClientData_ = false
 whether preservedClientData is valid and should be kept up to date More...
AsyncCall::Pointer writer
 set when we are writing More...
const char * stopReason
 reason for forcing done() to be true More...
const char * typeName
 kid (leaf) class name, for debugging More...
AsyncCall::Pointer inCall
 the asynchronous call being handled, if any More...
bool started_ = false
 Start() has finished successfully. More...
bool swanSang_ = false
 swanSong() was called More...

Private Types

typedef void(RegisteredRunner::* Method) ()
 a pointer to one of the above notification methods More...

Private Member Functions

void doProcessRequest ()
 react to the freshly parsed request More...
void shovelUploadData ()
 shovel upload data from the internal buffer to the body pipe if possible More...
void resetLogin (const char *reason)
 clear client and server login-related state after the old login is gone More...
void terminateAll (const Error &, const LogTagsErrors &) override
 abort any pending transactions and prevent new ones (by closing) More...
bool shouldCloseOnEof () const override
 whether to stop serving our client after reading EOF on its connection More...
void checkLogging ()
 log the last (attempt at) transaction if nobody else did More...
void parseRequests ()
void clientAfterReadingRequests ()
bool concurrentRequestQueueFilled () const
void pinConnection (const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServerConn, const HttpRequest &request)
 Forward future client requests using the given server connection. More...
bool proxyProtocolValidateClient ()
bool parseProxyProtocolHeader ()
bool proxyProtocolError (const char *reason)
Security::ContextPointer getTlsContextFromCache (const SBuf &cacheKey, const Ssl::CertificateProperties &certProperties)
void storeTlsContextToCache (const SBuf &cacheKey, Security::ContextPointer &ctx)
void handleSslBumpHandshakeError (const Security::IoResult &)
 process a problematic Security::Accept() result on the SslBump code path More...
virtual void finalizedInCbdataChild ()=0
 hack: ensure CBDATA_CHILD() after a toCbdata()-defining CBDATA_INTERMEDIATE() More...
void registerRunner ()
void unregisterRunner ()
 unregisters self; safe to call multiple times More...
virtual void bootstrapConfig ()
virtual void finalizeConfig ()
virtual void claimMemoryNeeds ()
virtual void useConfig ()
virtual void startReconfigure ()
virtual void syncConfig ()
virtual void finishShutdown ()
 Meant for cleanup of services needed by the already destroyed objects. More...

Private Attributes

SBuf uri
 a URI reconstructed from various FTP message details More...
SBuf host
 intended dest. of a transparently intercepted FTP conn More...
bool gotEpsvAll
 restrict data conn setup commands to just EPSV More...
AsyncCall::Pointer onDataAcceptCall
 who to call upon data conn acceptance More...
Comm::ConnectionPointer dataListenConn
 data connection listening socket More...
Comm::ConnectionPointer dataConn
 data connection More...
char uploadBuf [CLIENT_REQ_BUF_SZ]
 data connection input buffer More...
size_t uploadAvailSize
 number of yet unused uploadBuf bytes More...
AsyncCall::Pointer listener
 set when we are passively listening More...
JobWait< Comm::ConnOpenerdataConnWait
AsyncCall::Pointer reader
 set when we are reading FTP data More...
bool waitingForOrigin
 whether we wait for the origin data transfer to end More...
bool originDataDownloadAbortedOnError
 whether the origin data transfer aborted More...
HttpReply::Pointer delayedReply
 a response which writing was postponed until stopWaitingForOrigin() More...
bool needProxyProtocolHeader_ = false
 whether PROXY protocol header is still expected More...
ProxyProtocol::HeaderPointer proxyProtocolHeader_
 the parsed PROXY protocol header More...
Auth::UserRequest::Pointer auth_
 some user details that can be used to perform authentication on this connection More...
bool switchedToHttps_ = false
bool parsingTlsHandshake = false
uint64_t parsedBumpedRequestCount = 0
 The number of parsed HTTP requests headers on a bumped client connection. More...
SBuf tlsConnectHostOrIp
 The TLS server host name appears in CONNECT request or the server ip address for the intercepted requests. More...
AnyP::Port tlsConnectPort
 The TLS server port number as passed in the CONNECT request. More...
SBuf sslCommonName_
 CN name for SSL certificate generation. More...
SBuf tlsClientSni_
 TLS client delivered SNI value. Empty string if none has been received. More...
SBuf sslBumpCertKey
 Key to use to store/retrieve generated certificate. More...
Ssl::ServerBumpsslServerBump = nullptr
 HTTPS server cert. fetching state for bump-ssl-server-first. More...
Ssl::CertSignAlgorithm signAlgorithm = Ssl::algSignTrusted
 The signing algorithm to use. More...
const char * stoppedSending_ = nullptr
 the reason why we no longer write the response or nil More...
const char * stoppedReceiving_ = nullptr
 the reason why we no longer read the request or nil More...
NotePairs::Pointer theNotes


void StartListening ()
 accept connections on all configured ftp_ports More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 58 of file FtpServer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Method

typedef void(RegisteredRunner::* RegisteredRunner::Method) ()

Definition at line 94 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

◆ Pointer [1/2]

Definition at line 25 of file BodyPipe.h.

◆ Pointer [2/2]

Definition at line 34 of file AsyncJob.h.

◆ ReplyHandler

typedef void(Ftp::Server::* Ftp::Server::ReplyHandler) (const HttpReply *reply, StoreIOBuffer data)

Definition at line 169 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ RequestHandler

typedef bool(Ftp::Server::* Ftp::Server::RequestHandler) (String &cmd, String &params)

Definition at line 156 of file FtpServer.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EarlyErrorKind

enum Ftp::Server::EarlyErrorKind

Definition at line 86 of file FtpServer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Server()

Server::Server ( const MasterXaction::Pointer xact)

Definition at line 53 of file

References ConnStateData::flags, and uploadBuf.

◆ ~Server()

Server::~Server ( )

Definition at line 74 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ abortChunkedRequestBody()

◆ abortRequestParsing()

◆ AcceptCtrlConnection()

◆ acceptDataConnection()

◆ acceptTls()

Security::IoResult ConnStateData::acceptTls ( )

Starts or resumes accepting a TLS connection. TODO: Make this helper method protected after converting clientNegotiateSSL() into a method.

Definition at line 2220 of file

References Security::Accept(), assert, Security::KeyLogger::checkpoint(), Server::clientConnection, Comm::Connection::fd, fd_table, and ConnStateData::keyLogger.

Referenced by clientNegotiateSSL(), and ConnStateData::startPeekAndSplice().

◆ add()

void ConnStateData::add ( const Http::StreamPointer context)

◆ afterClientRead()

◆ afterClientWrite()

void ConnStateData::afterClientWrite ( size_t  )

◆ bootstrapConfig()

virtual void RegisteredRunner::bootstrapConfig ( )

Called right before parsing squid.conf. Meant for initializing/preparing configuration parsing facilities.

Reimplemented in NtlmAuthRr.

Definition at line 46 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

Referenced by SquidMain().

◆ BorrowPinnedConnection()

Comm::ConnectionPointer ConnStateData::BorrowPinnedConnection ( HttpRequest request,
const AccessLogEntryPointer ale 
validated pinned to-server connection, stopping its monitoring
anewly allocated ErrorState if validation fails

Definition at line 3868 of file

References ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, ErrorState::NewForwarding(), and HttpRequest::pinnedConnection().

Referenced by FwdState::usePinned(), and TunnelStateData::usePinned().

◆ borrowPinnedConnection()

◆ buildFakeRequest()

◆ buildSslCertGenerationParams()

void ConnStateData::buildSslCertGenerationParams ( Ssl::CertificateProperties certProperties)

◆ calcUri()

void Server::calcUri ( const SBuf file)

Definition at line 345 of file

References port.

◆ callEnd()

void AsyncJob::callEnd ( )

◆ callException()

void Server::callException ( const std::exception &  e)

Reimplemented from ConnStateData.

Definition at line 1750 of file

References AsyncJob::callException(), debugs, and Comm::IsConnOpen().

◆ callStart()

void AsyncJob::callStart ( AsyncCall call)

◆ canBeCalled()

bool AsyncJob::canBeCalled ( AsyncCall call) const

Definition at line 117 of file

References AsyncCall::cancel(), debugs, and AsyncJob::inCall.


Ftp::Server::CBDATA_CHILD ( Server  )

◆ changeState()

void Server::changeState ( const Ftp::ServerState  newState,
const char *  reason 

Definition at line 529 of file

References debugs.

◆ checkDataConnPost()

bool Server::checkDataConnPost ( ) const

Definition at line 1692 of file

References debugs, and Comm::IsConnOpen().

◆ checkDataConnPre()

bool Server::checkDataConnPre ( )

check that client data connection is ready for future I/O or at least has a chance of becoming ready soon.

Definition at line 1661 of file

References Config, SquidConfig::connect, connectedForData(), debugs, Comm::IsConnOpen(), JobCallback, and SquidConfig::Timeout.

◆ checkLogging()

◆ claimMemoryNeeds()

virtual void RegisteredRunner::claimMemoryNeeds ( )

Called after finalizeConfig(). Meant for announcing memory reservations before memory is allocated.

Reimplemented in IpcIoRr, and MemStoreRr.

Definition at line 55 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

Referenced by RunConfigUsers().

◆ clientAfterReadingRequests()

◆ clientPinnedConnectionClosed()

void Server::clientPinnedConnectionClosed ( const CommCloseCbParams io)

Reimplemented from ConnStateData.

Definition at line 316 of file

References ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(), and Comm::IsConnOpen().

◆ clientPinnedConnectionRead()

void ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionRead ( const CommIoCbParams io)

Our read handler called by Comm when the server either closes an idle pinned connection or perhaps unexpectedly sends something on that idle (from Squid p.o.v.) connection.

Definition at line 3808 of file

References Server::clientConnection, Comm::Connection::close(), CommCommonCbParams::conn, debugs, Pipeline::empty(), Comm::ERR_CLOSING, CommCommonCbParams::flag, ConnStateData::handleIdleClientPinnedTlsRead(), Must, ConnStateData::pinning, Server::pipeline, and CommIoCbParams::size.

Referenced by ConnStateData::startPinnedConnectionMonitoring().

◆ clientReadFtpData()

void ConnStateData::clientReadFtpData ( const CommIoCbParams io)

◆ clientWriteDone()

void Server::clientWriteDone ( const CommIoCbParams io)

◆ closeDataConnection()

void Server::closeDataConnection ( )

Definition at line 445 of file

References debugs, Comm::IsConnOpen(), and Comm::ReadCancel().

◆ completeDataDownload()

void Server::completeDataDownload ( )

Writes the data-transfer status reply to the FTP client and closes the data connection.

Definition at line 1834 of file

◆ concurrentRequestQueueFilled()

bool ConnStateData::concurrentRequestQueueFilled ( ) const

Limit the number of concurrent requests.

true when there are available position(s) in the pipeline queue for another request.
false when the pipeline queue is full or disabled.

Definition at line 1730 of file

References Ssl::bumpSplice, Server::clientConnection, Pipeline::count(), debugs, Server::pipeline, ConnStateData::pipelinePrefetchMax(), ConnStateData::sslBumpMode, and ConnStateData::transparent().

Referenced by ConnStateData::parseRequests().

◆ connectedForData()

void Server::connectedForData ( const CommConnectCbParams params)

◆ connStateClosed()

void ConnStateData::connStateClosed ( const CommCloseCbParams io)

◆ consumeInput()

void ConnStateData::consumeInput ( const size_t  byteCount)

◆ createDataConnection()

◆ deleteThis()

void AsyncJob::deleteThis ( const char *  aReason)

◆ doClientRead()

◆ done()

bool AsyncJob::done ( ) const

◆ doneAll()

bool ConnStateData::doneAll ( ) const

Reimplemented from AsyncJob.

Definition at line 239 of file client_side.h.

References AsyncJob::doneAll().

◆ doneWithControlMsg()

void ConnStateData::doneWithControlMsg ( )

◆ doPeekAndSpliceStep()

void ConnStateData::doPeekAndSpliceStep ( )

Called when a peek-and-splice step finished. For example after server SSL certificates received and fake server SSL certificates generated

Definition at line 3056 of file

References assert, BIO_get_data(), Server::clientConnection, clientNegotiateSSL(), COMM_SELECT_WRITE, debugs, Comm::Connection::fd, fd_table, Ssl::ClientBio::hold(), Comm::SetSelect(), and ConnStateData::switchedToHttps_.

Referenced by ConnStateData::getSslContextStart(), and ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReply().

◆ doProcessRequest()

◆ earlyError()

◆ endingShutdown()

void ConnStateData::endingShutdown ( )

Called after shutdown_lifetime grace period ends and before stopping the main loop. At least one main loop iteration is guaranteed after this call. Meant for cleanup and state saving that may require other modules.

Reimplemented from RegisteredRunner.

Definition at line 1025 of file

References Server::clientConnection, Comm::Connection::close(), and Comm::IsConnOpen().

Referenced by ConnStateData::startShutdown().

◆ expectNoForwarding()

void ConnStateData::expectNoForwarding ( )

◆ expectRequestBody()

BodyPipe::Pointer ConnStateData::expectRequestBody ( int64_t  size)

◆ extendLifetime()

◆ fakeAConnectRequest()

bool ConnStateData::fakeAConnectRequest ( const char *  reason,
const SBuf payload 

◆ fillChecklist()

◆ fillConnectionLevelDetails()

void ConnStateData::fillConnectionLevelDetails ( ACLFilledChecklist checklist) const

fillChecklist() obligations not fulfilled by the front request TODO: This is a temporary ACLFilledChecklist::setConn() callback to allow filling checklist using our non-public information sources. It should be removed as unnecessary by making ACLs extract the information they need from the ACLFilledChecklist::conn() without filling/copying.

Definition at line 3499 of file

References assert, Server::clientConnection, ACLFilledChecklist::conn(), Comm::Connection::local, ACLFilledChecklist::my_addr, Comm::Connection::remote, ACLFilledChecklist::request, ACLFilledChecklist::src_addr, Ssl::ServerBump::sslErrors(), ACLFilledChecklist::sslErrors, and ConnStateData::sslServerBump.

Referenced by ACLFilledChecklist::setConn().

◆ finalizeConfig()

virtual void RegisteredRunner::finalizeConfig ( )

Called after parsing squid.conf. Meant for setting configuration options that depend on other configuration options and were not explicitly configured.

Reimplemented in sslBumpCfgRr, and MemStoreRr.

Definition at line 51 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

Referenced by SquidMain().

◆ finalizedInCbdataChild()

virtual void CbdataParent::finalizedInCbdataChild ( )
privatepure virtualinherited

◆ finishDechunkingRequest()

◆ finishShutdown()

virtual void RegisteredRunner::finishShutdown ( )

Definition at line 91 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

Referenced by RunRegistered(), SquidShutdown(), TestRock::tearDown(), and watch_child().

◆ getAuth()

const Auth::UserRequest::Pointer& ConnStateData::getAuth ( ) const

Fetch the user details for connection based authentication NOTE: this is ONLY connection based because NTLM and Negotiate is against HTTP spec.

Definition at line 123 of file client_side.h.

References ConnStateData::auth_.

Referenced by Auth::UserRequest::authenticate(), AuthenticateAcl(), authTryGetUser(), ConnStateData::buildFakeRequest(), ClientHttpRequest::calloutsError(), ClientRequestContext::clientAccessCheckDone(), clientProcessRequest(), constructHelperQuery(), and ClientRequestContext::hostHeaderVerifyFailed().

◆ getSslContextDone()

◆ getSslContextStart()

◆ getTlsContextFromCache()

Security::ContextPointer ConnStateData::getTlsContextFromCache ( const SBuf cacheKey,
const Ssl::CertificateProperties certProperties 

◆ handleCdupRequest()

bool Server::handleCdupRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

Definition at line 1635 of file

References Ftp::fssHandleCdup.

Referenced by handleRequest().

◆ handleChunkedRequestBody()

◆ handleCwdRequest()

bool Server::handleCwdRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

Definition at line 1621 of file

References Ftp::fssHandleCwd.

Referenced by handleRequest().

◆ handleDataReply()

void Server::handleDataReply ( const HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

◆ handleDataRequest()

bool Server::handleDataRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

Definition at line 1520 of file

References Ftp::fssHandleDataRequest.

Referenced by handleRequest().

◆ handleEprtReply()

void Server::handleEprtReply ( const HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

Definition at line 1059 of file

Referenced by handleReply().

◆ handleEprtRequest()

bool Server::handleEprtRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

◆ handleEpsvReply()

void Server::handleEpsvReply ( const HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

Definition at line 1072 of file

References Packable::appendf(), MemBuf::buf, debugs, MemBuf::init(), and MemBuf::size.

Referenced by handleReply().

◆ handleEpsvRequest()

bool Server::handleEpsvRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

◆ handleErrorReply()

void Server::handleErrorReply ( const HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

Definition at line 934 of file

Referenced by handleReply().

◆ handleFeatReply()

◆ handleFeatRequest()

bool Server::handleFeatRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

Definition at line 1406 of file

References Ftp::fssHandleFeat.

Referenced by handleRequest().

◆ handleIdleClientPinnedTlsRead()

bool ConnStateData::handleIdleClientPinnedTlsRead ( )

Handles a ready-for-reading TLS squid-to-server connection that we thought was idle.

false if and only if the connection should be closed.

Definition at line 3766 of file

References DBG_IMPORTANT, debugs, error(), fd_table, Must, ConnStateData::pinning, and ConnStateData::startPinnedConnectionMonitoring().

Referenced by ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionRead().

◆ handlePassRequest()

bool Server::handlePassRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

Definition at line 1628 of file

References Ftp::fssHandlePass.

Referenced by handleRequest().

◆ handlePasvReply()

void Server::handlePasvReply ( const HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

Definition at line 881 of file

References Packable::appendf(), assert, MemBuf::buf, debugs, MemBuf::init(), MAX_IPSTRLEN, server, and MemBuf::size.

Referenced by handleReply().

◆ handlePasvRequest()

bool Server::handlePasvRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

Definition at line 1413 of file

References Ftp::fssHandlePasv, and String::size().

Referenced by handleRequest().

◆ handlePortReply()

void Server::handlePortReply ( const HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

Definition at line 921 of file

Referenced by handleReply().

◆ handlePortRequest()

bool Server::handlePortRequest ( String cmd,
String params 

Definition at line 1491 of file

References Ftp::fssHandlePort, Ftp::ParseIpPort(), String::size(), and String::termedBuf().

Referenced by handleRequest().

◆ handleReadData()

bool ConnStateData::handleReadData ( )

called when new request data has been read from the socket

Return values
falsecalled comm_close or setReplyToError (the caller should bail)
truewe did not call comm_close or setReplyToError

Implements Server.

Definition at line 1938 of file

References ConnStateData::bodyPipe, and ConnStateData::handleRequestBodyData().

◆ handleReply()

void Server::handleReply ( HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

ClientStream calls this to supply response header (once) and data for the current Http::Stream.

Implements ConnStateData.

Definition at line 778 of file

References assert, handleDataReply(), handleEprtReply(), handleEpsvReply(), handleErrorReply(), handleFeatReply(), handlePasvReply(), handlePortReply(), handleUploadReply(), server, and TexcHere.

◆ handleRequest()

◆ handleRequestBodyData()

bool ConnStateData::handleRequestBodyData ( )

called when new request body data has been buffered in inBuf may close the connection if we were closing and piped everything out

Return values
falsecalled comm_close or setReplyToError (the caller should bail)
truewe did not call comm_close or setReplyToError

Definition at line 1954 of file

References ConnStateData::abortChunkedRequestBody(), assert, ConnStateData::bodyParser, ConnStateData::bodyPipe, Server::clientConnection, Comm::Connection::close(), ConnStateData::consumeInput(), debugs, error(), ConnStateData::handleChunkedRequestBody(), Server::inBuf, SBuf::length(), BodyPipe::mayNeedMoreData(), BodyPipe::putMoreData(), SBuf::rawContent(), and ConnStateData::stoppedSending().

Referenced by clientProcessRequest(), and ConnStateData::handleReadData().

◆ handleSslBumpHandshakeError()

◆ handleStopRequest()

void AsyncJob::handleStopRequest ( )

Definition at line 73 of file AsyncJob.h.

References AsyncJob::mustStop().

◆ handleUploadReply()

void Server::handleUploadReply ( const HttpReply header,
StoreIOBuffer  receivedData 

Definition at line 1029 of file

Referenced by handleReply().

◆ handleUploadRequest()

◆ handleUserRequest()

Http::Stream * Server::handleUserRequest ( const SBuf cmd,
SBuf params 

Called to parse USER command, which is required to create an HTTP request wrapper. W/o request, the errors are handled by returning earlyError().

Definition at line 1358 of file

References SBuf::caseCmp(), SBuf::chop(), SBuf::clear(), debugs, Ip::Address::isAnyAddr(), SBuf::isEmpty(), SBuf::length(), MAX_IPSTRLEN, SBuf::npos, SBuf::rfind(), SBuf::substr(), and Ip::Address::toHostStr().

◆ hasNotes()

bool ConnStateData::hasNotes ( ) const

Definition at line 358 of file client_side.h.

References NotePairs::empty(), and ConnStateData::theNotes.

◆ httpsPeeked()

◆ idleTimeout()

time_t Server::idleTimeout ( ) const

Implements ConnStateData.

Definition at line 86 of file

References Config, SquidConfig::ftpClientIdle, and SquidConfig::Timeout.

◆ initiateTunneledRequest()

◆ isOpen()

◆ kick()

void ConnStateData::kick ( )
We are done with the response, and we are either still receiving request body (early response!) or have already stopped receiving anything.

If we are still receiving, then parseRequests() below will fail. (XXX: but then we will call readNextRequest() which may succeed and execute a smuggled request as we are not done with the current request).

If we stopped because we got everything, then try the next request.

If we stopped receiving because of an error, then close now to avoid getting stuck and to prevent accidental request smuggling.

Attempt to parse a request from the request buffer. If we've been fed a pipelined request it may already be in our read buffer.
At this point we either have a parsed request (which we've kicked off the processing for) or not. If we have a deferred request (parsed but deferred for pipeling processing reasons) then look at processing it. If not, simply kickstart another read.

Definition at line 894 of file

References Server::clientConnection, ClientSocketContextPushDeferredIfNeeded(), Comm::Connection::close(), DBG_IMPORTANT, debugs, ConnStateData::flags, Pipeline::front(), Comm::IsConnOpen(), ConnStateData::isOpen(), MYNAME, ConnStateData::parseRequests(), ConnStateData::pinning, Server::pipeline, ConnStateData::readNextRequest(), and ConnStateData::stoppedReceiving().

Referenced by ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(), and Http::Stream::writeComplete().

◆ lifetimeTimeout()

void ConnStateData::lifetimeTimeout ( const CommTimeoutCbParams params)

◆ listenForDataConnection()

unsigned int Server::listenForDataConnection ( )

Starts waiting for a data connection. Returns listening port. On errors, responds with an error and returns zero.

Definition at line 370 of file

References acceptDataConnection(), comm_local_port(), COMM_NONBLOCKING, comm_open_listener(), DBG_CRITICAL, debugs, Comm::Connection::fd, Comm::Connection::flags, Comm::IsConnOpen(), JobCallback, Comm::Connection::local, port, Ip::Address::port(), and AsyncJob::Start().

◆ maybeMakeSpaceAvailable()

void Server::maybeMakeSpaceAvailable ( )

Prepare inBuf for I/O. This method balances several conflicting desires:

  1. Do not read too few bytes at a time.
  2. Do not waste too much buffer space.
  3. Do not [re]allocate or memmove the buffer too much.
  4. Obey Config.maxRequestBufferSize limit.

Definition at line 74 of file

References SBufReservationRequirements::allowShared, CLIENT_REQ_BUF_SZ, Config, debugs, SBufReservationRequirements::idealSpace, Server::inBuf, SBufReservationRequirements::maxCapacity, SquidConfig::maxRequestBufferSize, SBufReservationRequirements::minSpace, SBuf::reserve(), and SBuf::spaceSize().

Referenced by Server::doClientRead().

◆ maybeReadUploadData()

void Server::maybeReadUploadData ( )

Definition at line 109 of file

References comm_read(), debugs, JobCallback, and readUploadData().

◆ mayBufferMoreRequestBytes()

bool Server::mayBufferMoreRequestBytes ( ) const

◆ mayNeedToReadMoreBody()

int64_t ConnStateData::mayNeedToReadMoreBody ( ) const

number of body bytes we need to comm_read for the "current" request

Return values
0We do not need to read any [more] body bytes
negativeMay need more but do not know how many; could be zero!
positiveNeed to read exactly that many more body bytes

Definition at line 3533 of file

References ConnStateData::bodyPipe, BodyPipe::bodySizeKnown(), Server::inBuf, SBuf::length(), and BodyPipe::unproducedSize().

Referenced by ConnStateData::clientAfterReadingRequests(), and ConnStateData::stopSending().

◆ mustStop()

◆ noteBodyConsumerAborted()

void Server::noteBodyConsumerAborted ( BodyPipe::Pointer  ptr)

Implements ConnStateData.

Definition at line 231 of file

References isOpen(), and ConnStateData::noteBodyConsumerAborted().

◆ noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable()

void Server::noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable ( BodyPipe::Pointer  )

Implements ConnStateData.

Definition at line 222 of file

References isOpen().

◆ notePeerConnection()

void Server::notePeerConnection ( Comm::ConnectionPointer  )

Reimplemented from ConnStateData.

Definition at line 302 of file

References Must, and ClientHttpRequest::request.

◆ notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle()

◆ notes()

NotePairs::Pointer ConnStateData::notes ( )
existing non-empty connection annotations, creates and returns empty annotations otherwise

Definition at line 4004 of file

References ConnStateData::theNotes.

Referenced by UpdateRequestNotes().

◆ noteTakeServerConnectionControl()

virtual void ConnStateData::noteTakeServerConnectionControl ( ServerConnectionContext  )

Gives us the control of the Squid-to-server connection. Used, for example, to initiate a TCP tunnel after protocol switching.

Reimplemented in Http::One::Server.

Definition at line 229 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by HttpStateData::proceedAfter1xx().

◆ parseHttpRequest()

Http::Stream * ConnStateData::parseHttpRequest ( const Http1::RequestParserPointer hp)

Parse an HTTP request

Sets result->flags.parsed_ok to 0 if failed to parse the request, to 1 if the request was correctly parsed
[in]hpan Http1::RequestParser
NULL on incomplete requests, a Http::Stream on success or failure. TODO: Move to HttpServer. Warning: Move requires large code nonchanges!

Definition at line 1255 of file

References ConnStateData::abortRequestParsing(), ClientHttpRequest::Flags::accel, SquidConfig::appendDomainLen, ClientHttpRequest::client_stream, Server::clientConnection, clientGetMoreData, clientReplyDetach, clientReplyStatus, clientSocketDetach(), clientSocketRecipient(), clientStreamInit(), Config, ConnStateData::consumeInput(), StoreIOBuffer::data, DBG_IMPORTANT, debugs, Http::Stream::flags, ClientHttpRequest::flags, HTTP_REQBUF_SZ, Server::inBuf, internalCheck(), internalLocalUri(), SBuf::isEmpty(), StoreIOBuffer::length, SBuf::length(), Http::METHOD_CONNECT, Http::METHOD_NONE, Http::METHOD_PRI, Must, Http::Stream::parsed_ok, ConnStateData::port, prepareAcceleratedURL(), ConnStateData::prepareTlsSwitchingURL(), prepareTransparentURL(), ConnStateData::preservedClientData, ConnStateData::preservingClientData_, Http::ProtocolVersion(), ClientHttpRequest::req_sz, Http::Stream::reqbuf, SBufToCstring(), Http::scMethodNotAllowed, Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge, Http::scUriTooLong, ConnStateData::switchedToHttps(), Server::transferProtocol, ConnStateData::transparent(), ClientHttpRequest::uri, xcalloc(), and xstrdup.

◆ parseOneRequest()

◆ parseProxyProtocolHeader()

bool ConnStateData::parseProxyProtocolHeader ( )

Attempts to extract a PROXY protocol header from the input buffer and, upon success, stores the parsed header in proxyProtocolHeader_.

true if the header was successfully parsed
false if more data is needed to parse the header or on error

Definition at line 1799 of file

References assert, Server::clientConnection, COMM_TRANSPARENT, SBuf::consume(), debugs, Comm::Connection::flags, Server::inBuf, SBuf::length(), Comm::Connection::local, ConnStateData::needProxyProtocolHeader_, ProxyProtocol::Parse(), ConnStateData::proxyProtocolError(), ConnStateData::proxyProtocolHeader_, and Comm::Connection::remote.

Referenced by ConnStateData::parseRequests().

◆ parseRequests()

◆ parseTlsHandshake()

◆ pinBusyConnection()

void ConnStateData::pinBusyConnection ( const Comm::ConnectionPointer pinServerConn,
const HttpRequest::Pointer request 

Forward future client requests using the given to-server connection. The connection is still being used by the current client request.

Definition at line 3678 of file

References ConnStateData::pinConnection().

◆ pinConnection()

◆ pinnedAuth()

bool ConnStateData::pinnedAuth ( ) const

Definition at line 204 of file client_side.h.

References ConnStateData::pinning.

◆ pinnedPeer()

CachePeer* ConnStateData::pinnedPeer ( ) const
the pinned CachePeer if one exists, nil otherwise

Definition at line 203 of file client_side.h.

References ConnStateData::pinning.

Referenced by PeerSelector::selectPinned().

◆ pipelinePrefetchMax()

int Server::pipelinePrefetchMax ( ) const

Reimplemented from ConnStateData.

Definition at line 80 of file

◆ postHttpsAccept()

◆ prepareTlsSwitchingURL()

◆ processParsedRequest()

void Server::processParsedRequest ( Http::StreamPointer )

Implements ConnStateData.

Definition at line 156 of file

References CallJobHere, and Must.

◆ proxyProtocolError()

bool ConnStateData::proxyProtocolError ( const char *  msg)

Perform cleanup on PROXY protocol errors. If header parsing hits a fatal error terminate the connection, otherwise wait for more data.

Definition at line 1778 of file

References Server::clientConnection, DBG_IMPORTANT, debugs, and AsyncJob::mustStop().

Referenced by ConnStateData::parseProxyProtocolHeader(), and ConnStateData::proxyProtocolValidateClient().

◆ proxyProtocolHeader()

const ProxyProtocol::HeaderPointer& ConnStateData::proxyProtocolHeader ( ) const

Definition at line 360 of file client_side.h.

References ConnStateData::proxyProtocolHeader_.

Referenced by ClientHttpRequest::ClientHttpRequest().

◆ proxyProtocolValidateClient()

bool ConnStateData::proxyProtocolValidateClient ( )

Perform proxy_protocol_access ACL tests on the client which connected to PROXY protocol port to see if we trust the sender enough to accept their PROXY header claim.

Definition at line 1759 of file

References SquidConfig::accessList, Acl::Answer::allowed(), Config, ACLChecklist::fastCheck(), ConnStateData::fillChecklist(), SquidConfig::proxyProtocol, and ConnStateData::proxyProtocolError().

Referenced by ConnStateData::start().

◆ quitAfterError()

void ConnStateData::quitAfterError ( HttpRequest request)

Changes state so that we close the connection and quit after serving the client-side-detected error response instead of getting stuck.

Definition at line 1431 of file

References Server::clientConnection, debugs, ConnStateData::flags, HttpRequest::flags, and RequestFlags::proxyKeepalive.

Referenced by clientProcessRequest(), and ConnStateData::serveDelayedError().

◆ reading()

bool Server::reading ( ) const

Definition at line 60 of file Server.h.

References Server::reader.

Referenced by Server::doClientRead(), Server::readSomeData(), and Server::stopReading().

◆ readNextRequest()

void ConnStateData::readNextRequest ( )

Set the timeout BEFORE calling readSomeData().

Please don't do anything with the FD past here!

Definition at line 857 of file

References Server::clientConnection, debugs, Comm::Connection::fd, fd_note(), ConnStateData::idleTimeout(), Server::readSomeData(), ConnStateData::resetReadTimeout(), and Comm::Connection::timeLeft().

Referenced by ConnStateData::kick().

◆ readSomeData()

◆ readUploadData()

◆ receivedFirstByte()

void ConnStateData::receivedFirstByte ( )

◆ registerRunner()

void IndependentRunner::registerRunner ( )

◆ RegisterWithCacheManager()

void AsyncJob::RegisterWithCacheManager ( )

Definition at line 215 of file

References Mgr::RegisterAction(), and AsyncJob::ReportAllJobs().

Referenced by mainInitialize().

◆ replyDataWritingCheckpoint()

void Server::replyDataWritingCheckpoint ( )

◆ ReportAllJobs()

void AsyncJob::ReportAllJobs ( StoreEntry e)

Definition at line 198 of file

References AllJobs().

Referenced by AsyncJob::RegisterWithCacheManager().

◆ requestTimeout()

◆ resetLogin()

void Server::resetLogin ( const char *  reason)

Definition at line 336 of file

References debugs, and Ftp::fssBegin.

◆ resetReadTimeout()

◆ resetSslCommonName()

void ConnStateData::resetSslCommonName ( const char *  name)

◆ sendControlMsg()

◆ serveDelayedError()

◆ serverBump()

◆ setAuth()

void ConnStateData::setAuth ( const Auth::UserRequest::Pointer aur,
const char *  cause 

Set the user details for connection-based authentication to use from now until connection closure.

Any change to existing credentials shows that something invalid has happened. Such as:

  • NTLM/Negotiate auth was violated by the per-request headers missing a revalidation token
  • NTLM/Negotiate auth was violated by the per-request headers being for another user
  • SSL-Bump CONNECT tunnel with persistent credentials has ended

Definition at line 494 of file

References ConnStateData::auth_, Server::clientConnection, comm_reset_close(), debugs, Auth::UserRequest::releaseAuthServer(), and ConnStateData::stopReceiving().

Referenced by Auth::UserRequest::authenticate(), ACLProxyAuth::LookupDone(), ClientHttpRequest::sslBumpEstablish(), and ConnStateData::swanSong().

◆ setDataCommand()

void Server::setDataCommand ( )

◆ setReply()

◆ setServerBump()

void ConnStateData::setServerBump ( Ssl::ServerBump srvBump)

Definition at line 286 of file client_side.h.

References assert, and ConnStateData::sslServerBump.

Referenced by ClientHttpRequest::doCallouts().

◆ shouldCloseOnEof()

bool ConnStateData::shouldCloseOnEof ( ) const

◆ shouldPreserveClientData()

bool ConnStateData::shouldPreserveClientData ( ) const

◆ shovelUploadData()

void Server::shovelUploadData ( )

Definition at line 202 of file

References assert, debugs, and Comm::IsConnOpen().

◆ splice()

◆ sslCommonName()

const SBuf& ConnStateData::sslCommonName ( ) const

Definition at line 292 of file client_side.h.

References ConnStateData::sslCommonName_.

◆ sslCrtdHandleReply()

◆ sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper()

void ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper ( void *  data,
const Helper::Reply reply 

Definition at line 2521 of file

References ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReply().

Referenced by ConnStateData::getSslContextStart().

◆ start()

void Server::start ( )

Reimplemented from ConnStateData.

Definition at line 92 of file

References debugs, MAX_IPSTRLEN, and ConnStateData::start().

◆ Start()

void AsyncJob::Start ( const Pointer job)

◆ startDechunkingRequest()

void ConnStateData::startDechunkingRequest ( )

◆ startPeekAndSplice()

◆ startPinnedConnectionMonitoring()

void ConnStateData::startPinnedConnectionMonitoring ( )

[re]start monitoring pinned connection for peer closures so that we can propagate them to an idle client pinned to that peer

Definition at line 3744 of file

References ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionRead(), JobCallback, ConnStateData::pinning, and Comm::Read().

Referenced by ConnStateData::handleIdleClientPinnedTlsRead(), and ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle().

◆ startReconfigure()

virtual void RegisteredRunner::startReconfigure ( )

Called after receiving a reconfigure request and before parsing squid.conf. Meant for modules that need to prepare for their configuration being changed [outside their control]. The changes end with the syncConfig() event.

Reimplemented in Dns::ConfigRr.

Definition at line 67 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

Referenced by mainReconfigureStart().

◆ startShutdown()

void ConnStateData::startShutdown ( )

Called after receiving a shutdown request and before stopping the main loop. At least one main loop iteration is guaranteed after this call. Meant for cleanup and state saving that may require other modules.

Reimplemented from RegisteredRunner.

Definition at line 1014 of file

References Pipeline::empty(), ConnStateData::endingShutdown(), and Server::pipeline.

◆ startWaitingForOrigin()

void Server::startWaitingForOrigin ( )

Called by Ftp::Client class when it is start receiving or sending data.

Definition at line 1761 of file

References debugs, and isOpen().

Referenced by Ftp::Relay::sendCommand().

◆ status()

◆ stoppedReceiving()

const char* ConnStateData::stoppedReceiving ( ) const

◆ stoppedSending()

const char* ConnStateData::stoppedSending ( ) const

◆ stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring()

void ConnStateData::stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring ( )

◆ stopProducingFor()

void BodyProducer::stopProducingFor ( RefCount< BodyPipe > &  p,
bool  atEof 

◆ stopReading()

void Server::stopReading ( )

◆ stopReceiving()

◆ stopSending()

◆ stopWaitingForOrigin()

void Server::stopWaitingForOrigin ( int  status)

Called by Ftp::Client class when it is done receiving or sending data. Waits for both agents to be done before responding to the FTP client and closing the data connection.

Definition at line 1771 of file

References debugs, Ftp::fssHandleDataRequest, RefCount< C >::getRaw(), isOpen(), and Must.

Referenced by Ftp::Relay::stopOriginWait().

◆ storeTlsContextToCache()

void ConnStateData::storeTlsContextToCache ( const SBuf cacheKey,
Security::ContextPointer ctx 

◆ swanSong()

◆ switchedToHttps()

◆ switchToHttps()

◆ syncConfig()

virtual void RegisteredRunner::syncConfig ( )

Called after parsing squid.conf during reconfiguration. Meant for adjusting the module state based on configuration changes.

Reimplemented in PeerPoolMgrsRr, PeerUserHashRr, CarpRr, PeerSourceHashRr, and Auth::CredentialCacheRr.

Definition at line 71 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

Referenced by mainReconfigureFinish().

◆ terminateAll()

◆ tlsClientSni()

const SBuf& ConnStateData::tlsClientSni ( ) const

Definition at line 294 of file client_side.h.

References ConnStateData::tlsClientSni_.

Referenced by ConnStateData::prepareTlsSwitchingURL().

◆ toCbdata()

virtual void* CbdataParent::toCbdata ( )
pure virtualinherited

◆ transparent()

◆ tunnelOnError()

◆ unpinConnection()

◆ unregisterRunner()

void IndependentRunner::unregisterRunner ( )

Definition at line 96 of file

References FindRunners().

Referenced by IndependentRunner::~IndependentRunner().

◆ updateError() [1/2]

void ConnStateData::updateError ( const err_type  c,
const ErrorDetailPointer d 

Definition at line 366 of file client_side.h.

References Helper::Error, and ConnStateData::updateError().

Referenced by ConnStateData::updateError().

◆ updateError() [2/2]

◆ useConfig()

virtual void RegisteredRunner::useConfig ( )

Called after claimMemoryNeeds(). Meant for activating modules and features using a finalized configuration with known memory requirements.

Reimplemented in MemStoreRr, SharedSessionCacheRr, TransientsRr, PeerPoolMgrsRr, PeerUserHashRr, CarpRr, PeerSourceHashRr, ClientDbRr, SharedMemPagesRr, and Ipc::Mem::RegisteredRunner.

Definition at line 60 of file RunnersRegistry.h.

Referenced by RunConfigUsers().

◆ userDataCompletionCheckpoint()

void Server::userDataCompletionCheckpoint ( int  finalStatusCode)

Called after data transfer on client-to-squid data connection is finished.

Definition at line 1809 of file

References debugs, and Must.

◆ whenClientIpKnown()

◆ write() [1/2]

void Server::write ( char *  buf,
int  len 

◆ write() [2/2]

void Server::write ( MemBuf mb)

◆ writeControlMsgAndCall()

bool Server::writeControlMsgAndCall ( HttpReply rep,
AsyncCall::Pointer call 

Implements ConnStateData.

Definition at line 1152 of file

◆ writeCustomReply()

void Server::writeCustomReply ( const int  code,
const char *  msg,
const HttpReply reply = nullptr 

◆ writeEarlyReply()

void Server::writeEarlyReply ( const int  code,
const char *  msg 

Writes FTP [error] response before we fully parsed the FTP request and created the corresponding HTTP request wrapper for that FTP request.

Definition at line 476 of file

References Packable::appendf(), assert, code, debugs, MemBuf::init(), JobCallback, Comm::Write(), and wroteEarlyReply().

◆ writeErrorReply()

◆ writeForwardedForeign()

void Server::writeForwardedForeign ( const HttpReply reply)

writes FTP response based on HTTP reply that is not an FTP-response wrapper for example, internally-generated Squid "errorpages" end up here (for now)

Definition at line 1143 of file

References Ftp::fssConnected.

◆ writeForwardedReply()

void Server::writeForwardedReply ( const HttpReply reply)

◆ writeForwardedReplyAndCall()

◆ writeReply()

void Server::writeReply ( MemBuf mb)

Definition at line 495 of file

References MemBuf::buf, debugs, JobCallback, Comm::Write(), and wroteReply().

◆ writeSomeData()

virtual void Server::writeSomeData ( )

Definition at line 69 of file Server.h.

Referenced by Server::clientWriteDone().

◆ writing()

bool Server::writing ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file Server.h.

References Server::writer.

◆ wroteControlMsg()

void HttpControlMsgSink::wroteControlMsg ( const CommIoCbParams params)

◆ wroteEarlyReply()

◆ wroteReply()

◆ wroteReplyData()

void Server::wroteReplyData ( const CommIoCbParams io)

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ StartListening

void StartListening ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ auth

bool ConnStateData::auth = false

Definition at line 147 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by clientCheckPinning().

◆ auth_

Auth::UserRequest::Pointer ConnStateData::auth_

Definition at line 474 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by ConnStateData::getAuth(), and ConnStateData::setAuth().

◆ bareError

◆ bodyParser

◆ bodyPipe

◆ cbControlMsgSent

AsyncCall::Pointer HttpControlMsgSink::cbControlMsgSent

◆ clientConnection

Comm::ConnectionPointer Server::clientConnection

Definition at line 100 of file Server.h.

Referenced by ConnStateData::abortChunkedRequestBody(), ConnStateData::abortRequestParsing(), ConnStateData::acceptTls(), ConnStateData::afterClientRead(), Format::Format::assemble(), Auth::UserRequest::authenticate(), ConnStateData::buildFakeRequest(), ConnStateData::clientAfterReadingRequests(), clientBuildError(), ClientHttpRequest::ClientHttpRequest(), clientNegotiateSSL(), ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(), ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionRead(), clientProcessRequestFinished(), ClientRequestContext::clientRedirectDone(), ClientSocketContextPushDeferredIfNeeded(), clientSocketRecipient(), Server::clientWriteDone(), ConnStateData::concurrentRequestQueueFilled(), ConnStateData::connStateClosed(), Server::doClientRead(), Server::doneAll(), ConnStateData::doneWithControlMsg(), ConnStateData::doPeekAndSpliceStep(), ConnStateData::endingShutdown(), ConnStateData::extendLifetime(), ConnStateData::fakeAConnectRequest(), ConnStateData::fillConnectionLevelDetails(), ConnStateData::getSslContextDone(), ConnStateData::getSslContextStart(), ConnStateData::handleChunkedRequestBody(), ConnStateData::handleRequestBodyData(), ConnStateData::handleSslBumpHandshakeError(), ClientRequestContext::hostHeaderIpVerify(), ClientRequestContext::hostHeaderVerify(), ClientRequestContext::hostHeaderVerifyFailed(), httpsCreate(), httpsEstablish(), httpsSslBumpAccessCheckDone(), httpsSslBumpStep2AccessCheckDone(), ConnStateData::initiateTunneledRequest(), ConnStateData::isOpen(), ConnStateData::kick(), HttpRequest::manager(), ClientHttpRequest::noteBodyProducerAborted(), ConnStateData::parseHttpRequest(), ConnStateData::parseProxyProtocolHeader(), ConnStateData::parseRequests(), ConnStateData::parseTlsHandshake(), ConnStateData::pinConnection(), ConnStateData::postHttpsAccept(), prepareAcceleratedURL(), prepareTransparentURL(), clientReplyContext::processExpired(), clientReplyContext::processMiss(), ConnStateData::proxyProtocolError(), ConnStateData::quitAfterError(), ConnStateData::readNextRequest(), Server::readSomeData(), ConnStateData::resetReadTimeout(), PeerSelector::resolveSelected(), ConnStateData::sendControlMsg(), ConnStateData::serveDelayedError(), Server::Server(), ConnStateData::setAuth(), ConnStateData::splice(), ClientRequestContext::sslBumpAccessCheckDone(), ClientHttpRequest::sslBumpEstablish(), ClientHttpRequest::sslBumpStart(), ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReply(), ConnStateData::start(), ConnStateData::startPeekAndSplice(), statClientRequests(), Server::stopReading(), ConnStateData::stopReceiving(), ConnStateData::stopSending(), ConnStateData::storeTlsContextToCache(), Server::swanSong(), ConnStateData::swanSong(), ConnStateData::switchToHttps(), ConnStateData::terminateAll(), ConnStateData::transparent(), ConnStateData::tunnelOnError(), tunnelStart(), TunnelStateData::TunnelStateData(), ConnStateData::whenClientIpKnown(), Server::write(), and ConnStateData::~ConnStateData().

◆ closeHandler

AsyncCall::Pointer ConnStateData::closeHandler

Definition at line 153 of file client_side.h.

◆ dataConn

Comm::ConnectionPointer Ftp::Server::dataConn

Definition at line 189 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ dataConnWait

JobWait<Comm::ConnOpener> Ftp::Server::dataConnWait

Waits for an FTP data connection to the client to be established/opened. This wait only happens in FTP active mode (via PORT or EPRT).

Definition at line 197 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ dataListenConn

Comm::ConnectionPointer Ftp::Server::dataListenConn

Definition at line 188 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ delayedReply

HttpReply::Pointer Ftp::Server::delayedReply

Definition at line 207 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ flags

◆ gotEpsvAll

bool Ftp::Server::gotEpsvAll

Definition at line 186 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ host

SBuf Ftp::Server::host

Definition at line 185 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ id

const InstanceId<AsyncJob> AsyncJob::id

Definition at line 75 of file AsyncJob.h.

◆ inBuf

◆ inCall

AsyncCall::Pointer AsyncJob::inCall

◆ keyLogger

Security::KeyLogger ConnStateData::keyLogger

Definition at line 384 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by ConnStateData::acceptTls().

◆ listener

AsyncCall::Pointer Ftp::Server::listener

Definition at line 193 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ log_addr

Ip::Address ConnStateData::log_addr

◆ master

MasterState::Pointer Ftp::Server::master

Definition at line 80 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ needProxyProtocolHeader_

bool ConnStateData::needProxyProtocolHeader_ = false

◆ onDataAcceptCall

AsyncCall::Pointer Ftp::Server::onDataAcceptCall

Definition at line 187 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ originDataDownloadAbortedOnError

bool Ftp::Server::originDataDownloadAbortedOnError

Definition at line 204 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ parsedBumpedRequestCount

uint64_t ConnStateData::parsedBumpedRequestCount = 0

◆ parsingTlsHandshake

bool ConnStateData::parsingTlsHandshake = false

◆ peer

CachePeer* ConnStateData::peer = nullptr

Definition at line 151 of file client_side.h.

◆ peerAccessDenied

bool ConnStateData::peerAccessDenied = false

Definition at line 150 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by PeerSelector::selectPinned().

◆ pinned

bool ConnStateData::pinned = false

Definition at line 146 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by HttpRequest::pinnedConnection().

◆ pinning

◆ pipeline

◆ port

◆ preservedClientData

SBuf ConnStateData::preservedClientData

From-client handshake bytes (including bytes at the beginning of a CONNECT tunnel) which we may need to forward as-is if their syntax does not match the expected TLS or HTTP protocol (on_unsupported_protocol).

Definition at line 349 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by Format::Format::assemble(), ConnStateData::parseHttpRequest(), ConnStateData::parseTlsHandshake(), ConnStateData::splice(), and ConnStateData::tunnelOnError().

◆ preservingClientData_

bool ConnStateData::preservingClientData_ = false

◆ proxyProtocolHeader_

ProxyProtocol::HeaderPointer ConnStateData::proxyProtocolHeader_

◆ reader

AsyncCall::Pointer Ftp::Server::reader

Definition at line 199 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ readHandler

AsyncCall::Pointer ConnStateData::readHandler

Definition at line 152 of file client_side.h.

◆ reading

bool ConnStateData::reading = false

Definition at line 148 of file client_side.h.

◆ readMore

bool ConnStateData::readMore = true

◆ receivedFirstByte_

bool Server::receivedFirstByte_

◆ serverConnection

Comm::ConnectionPointer ConnStateData::serverConnection

Definition at line 143 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by clientCheckPinning().

◆ signAlgorithm

◆ sslBumpCertKey

SBuf ConnStateData::sslBumpCertKey

◆ sslBumpMode

◆ sslCommonName_

SBuf ConnStateData::sslCommonName_

◆ sslServerBump

◆ started_

bool AsyncJob::started_ = false

Definition at line 88 of file AsyncJob.h.

Referenced by AsyncJob::callEnd(), AsyncJob::Start(), and AsyncJob::~AsyncJob().

◆ stoppedReceiving_

const char* ConnStateData::stoppedReceiving_ = nullptr

◆ stoppedSending_

const char* ConnStateData::stoppedSending_ = nullptr

◆ stopReason

const char* AsyncJob::stopReason

◆ swanSang

bool ConnStateData::swanSang = false

Definition at line 140 of file client_side.h.

◆ swanSang_

bool AsyncJob::swanSang_ = false

Definition at line 89 of file AsyncJob.h.

Referenced by AsyncJob::callEnd(), and AsyncJob::~AsyncJob().

◆ switchedToHttps_

◆ theNotes

NotePairs::Pointer ConnStateData::theNotes

Connection annotations, clt_conn_tag and other tags are stored here. If set, are propagated to the current and all future master transactions on the connection.

Definition at line 505 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by ConnStateData::hasNotes(), and ConnStateData::notes().

◆ tlsClientSni_

SBuf ConnStateData::tlsClientSni_

◆ tlsConnectHostOrIp

◆ tlsConnectPort

AnyP::Port ConnStateData::tlsConnectPort

◆ tlsParser

Security::HandshakeParser ConnStateData::tlsParser

Tls parser to use for client HELLO messages parsing on bumped connections.

Definition at line 308 of file client_side.h.

Referenced by ConnStateData::parseTlsHandshake().

◆ transferProtocol

AnyP::ProtocolVersion Server::transferProtocol

The transfer protocol currently being spoken on this connection. HTTP/1.x CONNECT, HTTP/1.1 Upgrade and HTTP/2 SETTINGS offer the ability to change protocols on the fly.

Definition at line 107 of file Server.h.

Referenced by buildUrlFromHost(), ConnStateData::parseHttpRequest(), prepareAcceleratedURL(), ConnStateData::prepareTlsSwitchingURL(), prepareTransparentURL(), ConnStateData::splice(), and ConnStateData::switchToHttps().

◆ typeName

◆ uploadAvailSize

size_t Ftp::Server::uploadAvailSize

Definition at line 191 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ uploadBuf

char Ftp::Server::uploadBuf[CLIENT_REQ_BUF_SZ]

Definition at line 190 of file FtpServer.h.

Referenced by Server().

◆ uri

SBuf Ftp::Server::uri

Definition at line 184 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ waitingForOrigin

bool Ftp::Server::waitingForOrigin

Definition at line 202 of file FtpServer.h.

◆ writer

AsyncCall::Pointer Server::writer

Definition at line 131 of file Server.h.

Referenced by Server::clientWriteDone(), Server::write(), and Server::writing().

◆ zeroReply

bool ConnStateData::zeroReply = false

Definition at line 149 of file client_side.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:




