Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors
3  *
4  * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes
5  * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations.
6  * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details.
7  */
9 #include "squid.h"
10 #include "base/AsyncCallQueue.h"
11 #include "compat/cppunit.h"
12 #include "event.h"
13 #include "MemBuf.h"
14 #include "unitTestMain.h"
16 /*
17  * test the event module.
18  */
20 class TestEvent : public CPPUNIT_NS::TestFixture
21 {
31 protected:
32  void testCreate();
33  void testDump();
34  void testFind();
35  void testCheckEvents();
36  void testSingleton();
37  void testCancel();
38 };
42 /*
43  * Test creating a Scheduler
44  */
45 void
47 {
48  EventScheduler scheduler = EventScheduler();
49 }
53 {
54 public:
55  static void Handler(void *data) {
56  static_cast<CalledEvent *>(data)->calls++;
57  }
59  int calls = 0;
60 };
62 /* submit two callbacks, and cancel one, then dispatch and only the other should run.
63  */
64 void
66 {
67  EventScheduler scheduler;
68  CalledEvent event;
69  CalledEvent event_to_cancel;
70  scheduler.schedule("test event", CalledEvent::Handler, &event, 0, 0, false);
71  scheduler.schedule("test event2", CalledEvent::Handler, &event_to_cancel, 0, 0, false);
72  scheduler.cancel(CalledEvent::Handler, &event_to_cancel);
73  scheduler.checkEvents(0);
75  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, event.calls);
76  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(0, event_to_cancel.calls);
77 }
79 // submit two callbacks, and then dump the queue.
80 void
82 {
83  EventScheduler scheduler;
84  CalledEvent event;
85  CalledEvent event2;
86  const char *expected = "Last event to run: last event\n"
87  "\n"
88  "Operation \tNext Execution \tWeight\tCallback Valid?\n"
89  "test event \t0.000 sec\t 0\t N/A\n"
90  "test event2 \t0.000 sec\t 0\t N/A\n";
91  MemBuf expect;
92  expect.init();
93  expect.append(expected, strlen(expected));
95  scheduler.schedule("last event", CalledEvent::Handler, &event, 0, 0, false);
97  /* schedule and dispatch to set the last run event */
98  scheduler.checkEvents(0);
100  scheduler.schedule("test event", CalledEvent::Handler, &event, 0, 0, false);
101  scheduler.schedule("test event2", CalledEvent::Handler, &event2, 0, 0, false);
103  MemBuf result;
104  result.init();
105  scheduler.dump(&result);
107  /* loop over the strings, showing exactly where they differ (if at all) */
108  printf("Actual Text:\n");
109  /* TODO: these should really be just [] lookups, but String doesn't have those here yet. */
110  for (size_t i = 0; i < size_t(result.contentSize()); ++i) {
111  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(expect.content()[i]);
112  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(result.content()[i]);
114  /* slight hack to make special chars visible */
115  switch (result.content()[i]) {
116  case '\t':
117  printf("\\t");
118  break;
119  default:
120  printf("%c", result.content()[i]);
121  }
122  /* make this an int comparison, so that we can see the ASCII code at failure */
123  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(int(expect.content()[i]), int(result.content()[i]));
124  }
125  printf("\n");
126  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(expect.contentSize(), result.contentSize());
127  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(strcmp(expect.content(), result.content()) == 0);
128 }
130 /* submit two callbacks, and find the right one.
131  */
132 void
134 {
135  EventScheduler scheduler;
136  CalledEvent event;
137  CalledEvent event_to_find;
138  scheduler.schedule("test event", CalledEvent::Handler, &event, 0, 0, false);
139  scheduler.schedule("test event2", CalledEvent::Handler, &event_to_find, 0, 0, false);
140  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(true, scheduler.find(CalledEvent::Handler, &event_to_find));
141 }
143 /* do a trivial test of invoking callbacks */
144 void
146 {
147  EventScheduler scheduler;
148  CalledEvent event;
149  /* with no events, its an idle engine */
150  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(int(AsyncEngine::EVENT_IDLE), scheduler.checkEvents(0));
151  /* event running now gets will get sent to the dispatcher and the
152  * engine becomes idle.
153  */
154  scheduler.schedule("test event", CalledEvent::Handler, &event, 0, 0, false);
155  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(int(AsyncEngine::EVENT_IDLE), scheduler.checkEvents(0));
157  /* event running later results in a delay of the time till it runs */
158  scheduler.schedule("test event", CalledEvent::Handler, &event, 2, 0, false);
159  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(2000, scheduler.checkEvents(0));
161  CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(1, event.calls);
162 }
164 /* for convenience we have a singleton scheduler */
165 void
167 {
168  EventScheduler *scheduler = dynamic_cast<EventScheduler *>(EventScheduler::GetInstance());
169  CPPUNIT_ASSERT(nullptr != scheduler);
170 }
173 class MyTestProgram: public TestProgram
174 {
175 public:
176  /* TestProgram API */
177  void startup() override { Mem::Init(); }
178 };
180 int
181 main(int argc, char *argv[])
182 {
183  return MyTestProgram().run(argc, argv);
184 }
void testCancel()
Definition: testEvent.cc:65
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: testEvent.cc:181
implements test program's main() function while enabling customization
Definition: unitTestMain.h:25
void init(mb_size_t szInit, mb_size_t szMax)
Definition: MemBuf.cc:93
void dump(Packable *)
Definition: event.cc:261
static AsyncCallQueue & Instance()
bool find(EVH *func, void *arg)
Definition: event.cc:280
int const char size_t
Definition: stub_liblog.cc:83
static EventScheduler * GetInstance()
Definition: event.cc:294
int run(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: unitTestMain.h:44
mb_size_t contentSize() const
available data size
Definition: MemBuf.h:47
void append(const char *c, int sz) override
Definition: MemBuf.cc:209
void testFind()
Definition: testEvent.cc:133
Definition: MemBuf.h:23
void testCheckEvents()
Definition: testEvent.cc:145
void schedule(const char *name, EVH *func, void *arg, double when, int weight, bool cbdata=true)
Definition: event.cc:300
void testDump()
Definition: testEvent.cc:81
void cancel(EVH *func, void *arg)
Definition: event.cc:161
char * content()
start of the added data
Definition: MemBuf.h:41
void Init()
Definition: old_api.cc:281
customizes our test setup
Helper for tests - an event which records the number of calls it received.
Definition: testEvent.cc:52
void testCreate()
Definition: testEvent.cc:46
void testSingleton()
Definition: testEvent.cc:166
static void Handler(void *data)
Definition: testEvent.cc:55
int checkEvents(int timeout) override
Definition: event.cc:216
void startup() override
Definition: testEvent.cc:177




