Go to the documentation of this file.
30 return "Switching Protocols";
55 return "Non-Authoritative Information";
63 return "Reset Content";
67 return "Partial Content";
71 return "Multi-Status";
75 return "Already Reported";
84 return "Multiple Choices";
88 return "Moved Permanently";
100 return "Not Modified";
108 return "Temporary Redirect";
112 return "Permanent Redirect";
117 return "Bad Request";
121 return "Unauthorized";
125 return "Payment Required";
137 return "Method Not Allowed";
141 return "Not Acceptable";
145 return "Proxy Authentication Required";
149 return "Request Timeout";
161 return "Length Required";
165 return "Precondition Failed";
169 return "Content Too Large";
173 return "URI Too Long";
177 return "Unsupported Media Type";
181 return "Requested Range Not Satisfiable";
185 return "Expectation Failed";
189 return "Misdirected Request";
193 return "Unprocessable Entity";
201 return "Failed Dependency";
205 return "Upgrade Required";
209 return "Precondition Required";
213 return "Too Many Requests";
217 return "Request Header Fields Too Large";
221 return "Unavailable For Legal Reasons";
226 return "Internal Server Error";
230 return "Not Implemented";
234 return "Bad Gateway";
238 return "Service Unavailable";
242 return "Gateway Timeout";
246 return "HTTP Version not supported";
250 return "Variant Also Negotiates";
254 return "Insufficient Storage";
258 return "Loop Detected";
262 return "Not Extended";
266 return "Network Authentication Required";
275 debugs(57, 3,
"Unassigned HTTP status code: " << status);
@ scNetworkAuthenticationRequired
@ scNonAuthoritativeInformation
const char * StatusCodeString(const Http::StatusCode status)
@ scVariantAlsoNegotiates
@ scRequestedRangeNotSatisfied
@ scUnavailableForLegalReasons
@ scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
@ scHttpVersionNotSupported
struct SquidConfig::@101 retry
@ scProxyAuthenticationRequired
@ scInvalidHeader
Squid header parsing error.
bool IsReforwardableStatus(StatusCode)
whether to send the request to another peer based on the current response status code
@ scHeaderTooLarge
Header too large to process.
#define debugs(SECTION, LEVEL, CONTENT)