Squid configuration directive cache_mem
Available in: v7 v6 v5 v4 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 2.7 3.1 3.0 2.6
This directive is not available in the v8 version of Squid.
For older versions than v5 see the linked pages above
Configuration Details:
Option Name: | cache_mem |
Replaces: | |
Requires: | |
Default Value: | cache_mem 256 MB |
Suggested Config: |
NOTE: THIS PARAMETER DOES NOT SPECIFY THE MAXIMUM PROCESS SIZE. IT ONLY PLACES A LIMIT ON HOW MUCH ADDITIONAL MEMORY SQUID WILL USE AS A MEMORY CACHE OF OBJECTS. SQUID USES MEMORY FOR OTHER THINGS AS WELL. SEE THE SQUID FAQ SECTION 8 FOR DETAILS. 'cache_mem' specifies the ideal amount of memory to be used for: * In-Transit objects * Hot Objects * Negative-Cached objects Data for these objects are stored in 4 KB blocks. This parameter specifies the ideal upper limit on the total size of 4 KB blocks allocated. In-Transit objects take the highest priority. In-transit objects have priority over the others. When additional space is needed for incoming data, negative-cached and hot objects will be released. In other words, the negative-cached and hot objects will fill up any unused space not needed for in-transit objects. If circumstances require, this limit will be exceeded. Specifically, if your incoming request rate requires more than 'cache_mem' of memory to hold in-transit objects, Squid will exceed this limit to satisfy the new requests. When the load decreases, blocks will be freed until the high-water mark is reached. Thereafter, blocks will be used to store hot objects. If shared memory caching is enabled, Squid does not use the shared cache space for in-transit objects, but they still consume as much local memory as they need. For more details about the shared memory cache, see memory_cache_shared. |
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