SBuf Member List
This is the complete list of members for SBuf, including all inherited members.
append(const SBuf &S) | SBuf | |
append(const char c) | SBuf | inline |
append(const char *S, size_type Ssize) | SBuf | |
append(const char *S) | SBuf | inline |
appendf(const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FORMAT_ARG2 | SBuf | |
assign(const SBuf &S) | SBuf | |
assign(const char *S, size_type n) | SBuf | |
assign(const char *S) | SBuf | inline |
at(size_type pos) const | SBuf | inline |
begin() const | SBuf | inline |
buf() const | SBuf | inlineprivate |
bufEnd() const | SBuf | inlineprivate |
c_str() | SBuf | |
caseCmp(const SBuf &S, const size_type n) const | SBuf | inline |
caseCmp(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | inline |
caseCmp(const char *S, const size_type n) const | SBuf | inline |
caseCmp(const char *S) const | SBuf | inline |
checkAccessBounds(const size_type pos) const | SBuf | inlineprivate |
chop(size_type pos, size_type n=npos) | SBuf | |
clear() | SBuf | |
cmp(const SBuf &S, const size_type n) const | SBuf | inline |
cmp(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | inline |
cmp(const char *S, const size_type n) const | SBuf | inline |
cmp(const char *S) const | SBuf | inline |
compare(const SBuf &S, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive, const size_type n) const | SBuf | |
compare(const SBuf &S, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive) const | SBuf | inline |
compare(const char *s, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive, const size_type n) const | SBuf | |
compare(const char *s, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive) const | SBuf | inline |
const_iterator typedef | SBuf | |
const_reverse_iterator typedef | SBuf | |
consume(size_type n=npos) | SBuf | |
copy(char *dest, size_type n) const | SBuf | |
cow(size_type minsize=npos) | SBuf | private |
dump(std::ostream &os) const | SBuf | |
end() const | SBuf | inline |
estimateCapacity(size_type desired) const | SBuf | inlineprivate |
find(char c, size_type startPos=0) const | SBuf | |
find(const SBuf &str, size_type startPos=0) const | SBuf | |
findFirstNotOf(const CharacterSet &set, size_type startPos=0) const | SBuf | |
findFirstOf(const CharacterSet &set, size_type startPos=0) const | SBuf | |
findLastNotOf(const CharacterSet &set, size_type endPos=npos) const | SBuf | |
findLastOf(const CharacterSet &set, size_type endPos=npos) const | SBuf | |
GetStats() | SBuf | static |
GetStorePrototype() | SBuf | privatestatic |
id | SBuf | |
isEmpty() const | SBuf | inline |
len_ | SBuf | private |
length() const | SBuf | inline |
Locker class | SBuf | friend |
lowAppend(const char *memArea, size_type areaSize) | SBuf | private |
maxSize | SBuf | static |
npos | SBuf | static |
off_ | SBuf | private |
operator!=(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | |
operator<(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | inline |
operator<=(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | inline |
operator=(const SBuf &S) | SBuf | inline |
operator=(SBuf &&S) | SBuf | inline |
operator=(const char *S) | SBuf | inline |
operator==(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | |
operator>(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | inline |
operator>=(const SBuf &S) const | SBuf | inline |
operator[](size_type pos) const | SBuf | inline |
plength() const | SBuf | inline |
print(std::ostream &os) const | SBuf | |
Printf(const char *fmt,...) PRINTF_FORMAT_ARG2 | SBuf | |
push_back(char) | SBuf | |
rawAppendFinish(const char *start, size_type actualSize) | SBuf | |
rawAppendStart(size_type anticipatedSize) | SBuf | |
rawContent() const | SBuf | |
rawSpace(size_type minSize) | SBuf | private |
rbegin() const | SBuf | inline |
reAlloc(size_type newsize) | SBuf | private |
rend() const | SBuf | inline |
reserve(const SBufReservationRequirements &requirements) | SBuf | |
reserveCapacity(size_type minCapacity) | SBuf | |
reserveSpace(size_type minSpace) | SBuf | inline |
rfind(char c, size_type endPos=npos) const | SBuf | |
rfind(const SBuf &str, size_type endPos=npos) const | SBuf | |
SBuf() | SBuf | |
SBuf(const SBuf &S) | SBuf | |
SBuf(SBuf &&S) | SBuf | inline |
SBuf(const char *S, size_type n) | SBuf | explicit |
SBuf(const char *S) | SBuf | explicit |
SBuf(const std::string &s) | SBuf | explicit |
setAt(size_type pos, char toset) | SBuf | |
size_type typedef | SBuf | |
spaceSize() const | SBuf | inline |
startsWith(const SBuf &S, const SBufCaseSensitive isCaseSensitive=caseSensitive) const | SBuf | |
stats | SBuf | privatestatic |
store_ | SBuf | private |
substr(size_type pos, size_type n=npos) const | SBuf | |
toLower() | SBuf | |
toStdString() const | SBuf | inline |
toUpper() | SBuf | |
trim(const SBuf &toRemove, bool atBeginning=true, bool atEnd=true) | SBuf | |
value_type typedef | SBuf | |
vappendf(const char *fmt, va_list vargs) | SBuf | |
~SBuf() | SBuf |
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