Squid Artwork
You may use these Squid artwork images under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. | |
A small (91x50) "Squid Now" icon. |
You may use these Squid artwork images under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. | |
A 789x168 banner image. | |
A 587x138 banner image, similar to the above but smaller and with extra Squids. | |
A small (91x51) "powered by squid" icon. | |
A large (339x161) "Powered by Squid" image. | |
A large (289x161) "Powered by Squid" image without the bubble background. | |
A large (339x161) "Squid Now" image. | |
A large (348x177) "Squid Now" image without the bubble background. | |
Some miscellaneous, small icons. | |
A large (1600x1200) background for your desktop. | |
A 1050x600 graphic for a sticker. | |
A 1125x675 graphic for a sticker. |
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