My Dual 2.0GHz Xeon w/ 2GB of RAM boxes just got upgraded to Dual
2.8GHz Xeons with 4GB of RAM. The boxes are running FreeBSD
4.10-STABLE (cvs updated and rebuilt as of yesterday).
My previous kernel was set with MAXDSIZ="(1843*1024*1024)", Squid sat
at around 1700MB of memory utilization and I never had any stability
I am trying to recompile the kernel with MAXDSIZ="(3072*1024*1024)",
but am getting mmap errors when I reboot. I read a TON of stuff about
FreeBSD, 4GB of memory, KVM_PAGES, and kernel tuning issues, so I tried
setting MAXDSIZ to 2048 which allowed the machine to boot, but services
wouldn't start due to memory/threading issues.
Why can't I tune this box past 1.8GB of memory for Squid? Do I need to
go to 5.3-RELEASE? How are you guys getting Squid to eat up more than
2 gigs of memory?
Received on Tue Nov 23 2004 - 13:08:01 MST
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