Re: ftpget 1.1.beta[789] on linux doesn't work

From: King Ho <>
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 1996 07:09:27 +0800 (HKT)

On Thu, 24 Oct 1996, Duane Wessels wrote:

> writes:
> Hi Roberto,
> Thanks for the excellent debugging. I now see why it is failing.
> 732 for (;;) {
> 733 debug(38, 5, "Connecting FD %d to: %s, port %d, len = %d\n", fd,
> 734 inet_ntoa(S->sin_addr),
> 735 (int) ntohs(S->sin_port),
> 736 len);
> 737 y = connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *) S, len);
> 738 debug(38, 7, "connect returned %d\n", y);
> 739 if (y < 0)
> 740 debug(38, 7, "connect: %s\n", xstrerror());
> 741 if (y >= 0)
> The call to debug() on line 737 makes some C library calls which
> look for some Locale stuff and ends up changing the value of errno!
> connect(4, {sin_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(21), sin_addr=inet_addr("195.76.4
> 6.40")}, 16) = -1 EINPROGRESS (Operation now in progress)
> write(2, "96/10/25 05:56:37| connect retur"..., 39) = 39
> open("/usr/share/locale/C/LC_MESSAGES", O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or d
> irectory)
> brk(0x807e000) = 0x807e000
> So later when we check errno it seems like connect() returned ENOENT.
> I'll be if you remove the deubg() calls in connect_with_timeout2()
> it works great.
> Meanwhile, I'll fix ftpget to account for this.
> Duane W.

I think there is another problem with the ftp code (not sure if
it is ftp.c or ftpget.c). We are running 1.0.12 and is trying to
upgrade to 1.0.18. After the upgrade, all ftp access failed.

We are runing it on a Sparc 1000 with Solaris 2.4.
In our configuration, we have 'tcp_incoming_address' and
'tcp_outgoing_address' set to an alias IP address that we add
to the ethernet port.

If I change the incoming and outgoing address back to the default, then everything works again!

I think the only difference between 1.0.12's and 1.0.18's ftp.c
is in the handling of the use of outgoing TCP address.

I hope this help in finding out why some of us is having problem
with proxy ftp'ing.

Best regards,

King Ho
Global Link Information Services Ltd.
Received on Fri Oct 25 1996 - 16:13:03 MDT

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