- 'include' directive in squid-2.HEAD
- --enable-storeio=
- 2.6.stable18? 2.7.stable1 ?
- 2.7 suspected memory leak.
- [adrian@squid-cache.org: cvs commit: squid/src client_side.c client_side_rewrite.c client_side_storeurl_rewrite.c protos.h]
- [Fwd: Squid 2.6 ICAP]
- [squid-users] 'include' feature
- [squid-users] Filtering users
- [squid-users] Squid-2.7 branched (was [hno@squid-cache.org: cvs commit: squid configure.in])
- ACLs for buffer sizes?
- another proxy: ziproxy - inline image recompression
- assertion failed: ipcache.cc:995: "tmpbuf" in 3.HEAD-CVS
- astyle
- async-calls squid3/src comm.cc,,
- Become a developer.. (sf.net ui: valexey_eykon)
- Become a developer...
- bug 1208: internal redirect
- bugzilla weirdness
- bzr VCS feedback
- C++ errors building 3.HEAD on Windows
- cache replacement policy not being honoured?
- Can hitting resource limits be more friendly?
- Cannot cvsmerge on sourceforge
- comm: fdc_table state lookup vs connDetails parameters
- cvs [server aborted]: "rtag" requires write access to the repository
- cvs commit: squid/helpers/basic_auth/NCSA crypt_md5.c
- cvs commit: squid3/src ACLMyPortName.cc ACLMyPortName.h Makefile.am Makefile.in cache_cf.cc cf.data.pre
- cvs commit: squid3/src cache_cf.cc
- cvs commit: squid3/src cf.data.pre ftp.cc structs.h
- cvs commit: squid3/src String.cc
- cvsmerge not adding ACLMyPortName.cc to ssl-bump
- diskd and unlink
- diskd stability stuff
- Dynamic content policy update
- external_acl_type requests authentication
- fixing >4k reply header store reads
- format specifiers in deny_info URL
- forwarded_for documentation inaccurate
- HEAD squid3 configure.in,1.173,1.174
- HEAD squid3/src Makefile.am,1.136,1.137 access_log.cc,1.51, 1.52 cf.data.pre,1.169,1.170 cf_gen_defines,1.4,1.5 main.cc,1.93, 1.94 protos.h,1.91,1.92 structs.h,1.124,1.125
- hy i have a probleme with my Squid
- now I it's possible compile squid with mysql
- Proof-of-concept for using DNS SRV records for origin server location
- RESEND - URGENT !!! - Static copy of www.squid-cache.org is growing
- RESEND - URGENT !!! - Static copy of www.squid-cache.org isgrowing
- s u b s c r i b e
- s27_adri benchmarking
- so, 3.x VCS
- Solaris privileges to use pinger w/o setuid-root
- Squid-3 and large response headers
- squid3-ipv6 squid3/src cf.data.pre,, dns_internal.cc,, structs.h,,
- squid_ldap_group patch
- src/Makefile.am:200: Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined error,squid3
- SSLBump
- Static copy of www.squid-cache.org is growing
- tproxy caching?
- tproxy testing
- URIs for accelerators
- WCCP2 patch
- Windows "STABLE" branches on squid-cache.org
- Last message date: Wed Jan 30 2008 - 07:11:17 MST
- Archived on: Wed Jan 30 2008 - 12:00:09 MST