Can someone help me with authenticating to groups? I must be doing
something wrong and I am not sure where to go to .
I have my authentication setup for the user and it is working fine: i.e.
auth_param basic program /usr/lib64/squid/squid_ldap_auth -b
"dc=school,dc=org" -f "uid=%s -h
acl ldapauth proxy_auth REQUIRED
From the command line I can test my user to test if they are in teh
group and it works fine: i.e.
/usr/lib64/squid/squid_ldap_group -b "dc=school,dc=org" -f
"(&cn=%g)(memberUid=%u))" -h
I can then put in <username> <group> and either get OK or ERR back
depending on if the user is in that group.
I have a group called "teacher" within my ldap that all teachers are
in and I want to have squid to give a few different permissions to the
users if they are in the group "teacher"
For testing purposes I am just trying to deny anyone in the group
"teacher" for right now. So far I have not been able to accomplish
anything. The users in the group "teacher" function just as anyone
else would.
I have tried quite a few different forms of the following, but it does
not work. I must be doing something wrong:
external_acl_type squid_teachers -b "dc=school,dc=org" -f
"(&cn=%g)(memberUid=%u))" -h
acl teacher_group external teachers
http_access deny teacher_group
Thanks for any input.
-- Scott Mayo Mayo's Pioneer Seeds PH: 573-568-3235 CE: 573-614-2138Received on Mon Feb 10 2014 - 15:21:26 MST
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