sometimes wget something that is already cached gets a warning "This
cache hit is still fresh and more than 1 day old".
What causes this?
Also a while ago, I complained about unValidated objects in cache.conf
The above warning seems to be the reason behind those unvalidated
For example, if it says 530420 Objects loaded but Validated 530419
Entries, the 1 object that failed validation is the one that gives "This
cache hit is still fresh and more than 1 day old" warning.
using squidclient to PURGE that one entry from cache, removes the
unvalidated entry.
I can tell which is the unvalidated entry because when it gets request
again, a SWAP_FAIL is logged in access.log
I am using the default refresh patterns.
What causes "This cache hit is still fresh and more than 1 day old"
thank you.
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