Re: [squid-users] handle server redirect to an internal IP

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 2009 12:46:22 +1200

Eric Marquez wrote:
> How do I setup a rule so squid knows how to handle a redirect response from a server to internal IP. I setup squid to use destdomain as in the acl for allowed sites.
> Here's the interaction:
> 1. connect to
> 2. Authenticate against squid proxy
> 3. login to
> 4. server responds with a redirect to one of its nodes IP address 10.10 4.45
> 5. connection broken at this point.
> Is there a way to setup squid so it can handle the redirect?
> Eric Marquez

The answer to your exact question is:
  acl foo ...
  deny_info http://10.10 4.45 foo
  http_access deny auth foo
(require authentication, then when authenticated, if matches rule foo,
bounce to URL listed by deny_info).

However... why bother with redirection at all?

  Is sounds like you actually need a reverse proxy configuration for the
'redirected node':

Note that authenticating against a squid proxy, then sending to
somewhere else as first asked. Will cause re-authentication to happen if
the remote node needs any auth done. Since the browser only sends the
auth to the machine/website it is asked to authenticate against.
Using a reverse proxy the browser is only talking to the main Squid
which can pass on auth details as needed.


Please be using
   Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE18
   Current Beta Squid
Received on Fri Aug 21 2009 - 00:46:29 MDT

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