ons 2006-11-15 klockan 15:07 +0100 skrev Reale Marco:
> The problem is that sometimes (AND APPARENTLY WITHOUT REASON)
> authentication pop-up appears even though url currently I'm browsing
> is not wrote in pornsite.txt
Are you using NTLM authentication?
> 1) User open without problem url: www.somesite.com/homepage.aspx and while he is browsing, authentication popup appears.
> 2) I NOTICED THAT PRESSING CANCEL BUTTON, USER WAS ABLE TO CONTINUE BROWSING!!! Thus...I suspected that some object (a banner, a pop-up etc...) was blocked in fact....ENTERING MY CREDENTIALS (I'm in a group with full access) a pop-up with a banner was shown.
Could also be some embedded object in the page which was denied, such as
an ad or similar.
> 3) THUS....AND FINALLY....ANALYZING LOG FILE I SAW entries like this:
> TCP_DENIED/407 2181 GET http://secure-it.imrworldwide.com/cgi-bin/m?
> TCP_DENIED/407 2349 GET http://ad.it.doubleclick.net/adj/select.secondamano.it/homepage_rectangle;sz=300x250;ord=1238394311? - NONE/- text/html
> http://ad.it.doubleclick.net/adj/select.secondamano.it/homepage_rectangle is the pop-up!!!
> This problem is driving me crazy and the only solution I founded is to disable "pornsite" acl even though It isn't a solution....
You could try the FAQ "I set up my access controls, but they don't work!
maybe it shows some light into the problem.
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