fre 2006-03-17 klockan 14:36 -0800 skrev Linda W:
> configure:
> ./configure --prefix=/usr \
> --sysconfdir=/etc/squid \
> --bindir=/usr/sbin \
Copy-pasted your configure line on my Fedora Core 5 test 3 x86_64 box,
and it compiles just fine..
-rwxrwxr-x 1 henrik henrik 11932842 18 mar 00.41 squid-3.0-PRE3-20060317/src/squid
If I were you I would
1. Grab the current snapshot release.
2. Start with just ./configure, without any arguments.
3a, If that works, delete the directory and unpack the snapshot again,
and retry with your configure options.
3b, If a plain configure fails, dig into the config.log files to try to
identify what it going wrong. If it still fails within cppunit the
config.log to stare at is lib/cppunit-1.10.0/config.log and match this
to the configure script in the same directory.
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