RE: [squid-users] NTLM authentication error when using wb_group

From: Jairo.Castañeda <>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 15:50:09 -0500


I hadn't. However I did it and it's still not working... Is there any big
difference between the external helpers...? I mean: is there any problem
(performance, etc) if I use other helper?


-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom []
Sent: Viernes, 17 de Enero de 2003 02:17 p.m.
To: Jairo.Castañeda
Cc: Squid List (E-mail)
Subject: Re: [squid-users] NTLM authentication error when using wb_group

And have you done what the Squid FAQ says for compiling with Samba 2.2.6
or later?

If not wb_group won't work correctly and will not find all groups the
user belongs to.


Jairo.Castañeda wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using samba 2.2.7
> Regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Henrik Nordstrom []
> Sent: Jueves, 16 de Enero de 2003 05:47 p.m.
> To: Jairo.Castañeda
> Cc: 'DUBOST "Gaetan (DSIT-XA/I)'"; Squid List (E-mail)
> Subject: RE: [squid-users] NTLM authentication error when using wb_group
> Which version of Samba are you using?
> See the Squid FAQ entry on using winbind for details.. wb_group is a bit
> sensitive to changes in the Samba sources from version to version..
> Regards
> Henrik
Received on Wed Jan 22 2003 - 13:48:11 MST

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