For this you will have to ask Microsoft to implement FTP upload via HTTP
proxies (PUT method) in their browsers..
ons 2002-11-20 klockan 18.41 skrev Joao Rochate:
> Greets.
> When using Netscape I can enter an ftp site in this form:
> And, since I have permissions to write, I can UPload files. Ok.
> But, when using Internet Explorer 5.5, I get the first warning:
> "FTP proxy warning" box, saying that the proxy doesn't give me "full access"
> I can enter the site, but I can't UPload.
> When removing proxy configurations, it works like expected.
> Any clues?
> Yes, I've added the '/' and extra '/', like it is said on the FAQ, but...
> João Rochate
Received on Thu Nov 21 2002 - 09:34:52 MST
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