28-Mar-02 at 10:42, Rost, Werner (Werner.Rost@zfboge.com) wrote :
> If I deny all exe-files and allow
> - the file sdat4194.exe : this works fine for the "4194"-file
> - the file sdat*.exe : error for sdat4194.exe
> - the file sdat???.exe : error for sdat4194.exe
Please show us your actual acl lines. If you are using regex URLs, then it
may be that the regexs are wrong, but you haven't show us them.
Regular Expressions (regexs) do not allow DOS / Command prompt style
wildcards, but are actually much more flexible (if a little complicated).
-- [Simon White. vim/mutt. simon@mtds.com. GIMPS:58.27% see www.mersenne.org] If it dies, it's biology. If it blows up, it's chemistry, and if it doesn't work, it's physics. [Arbitrary quotes signature rotation, a simple bash script by Simon White]Received on Thu Mar 28 2002 - 02:53:41 MST
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