I get this in my logs..:
1003756129.953 200000 TCP_MISS/200 40281 GET
http://www.cnn.dk/okonomi/artikel:aid=104288 -
ROUNDROBIN_PARENT/www2.cnn.dk text/html
as I could read from the archives, this is a squid-initiated
If-Modified-Since request..
My problem with this, is that this means that I have to wait for the
origin-server to answer, before squid-serves the file..
And as squid in my setup (with rproxy.patch) is suppose to work as an
origin-server for the internet-users I do not EVER want
it to refresh the cache (thus not sending If-Modified-Since requests) -
unless I send it a PURGE..
The reason I can do this, is ofcourse that I know exactly what objects gets
updated on the backend origin-servers.
So in short - how do I disable squid's If-Modified-Since requests?
I have already set -ignore-reload and -override-expire on refresh_pattern
which is set for 9999 minutes.. (min and max and 99%).
The reason for this, is ofcourse, that I want to minimize load on backend
servers - as I'm gonna have approx. 10-20 squid servers - but only 2
backend servers.. and if the backend servers by some mistake - generates
defekt pages.. I don't want squid to automatically load those into the
cache - and thus purging a perfectly good page..
-------------| This mail has been sent to you by: |------------
Klavs Klavsen, IT-coordinator and Systems Administrator at
Metropol Online - http://www.metropol.dk
Tlf. 33752700, Fax 33752720, Email ktk@metropol.dk
Private- Email klavs@klavsen.net - http://www.vsen.dk
--------------------[ I believe that... ]-----------------------
It is a myth that people resist change. People resist what other
people make them do, not what they themselves choose to do...
That's why companies that innovate successfully year after year
seek their peopl's ideas, let them initiate new projects and
encourage more experiments. -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Received on Tue Oct 23 2001 - 02:13:24 MDT
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