>I am not familiar with HTCP, but I seriously doubt it can do what you
I wasn't very sure either.
>Using the HTTP PURGE method (a Squid extension) you can force each cache
>to remove an cached object from the cache, only returning a minimal
>response to the effect.
can you direct me to docs on this ? is it what the client binary that comes
with squid does?
>If you need to purge very frequently the
>performance can be optimized using persistent connections between your
>publishing system and the caches, giving performance close to what can
>be achieved using a UDP based protocol while guaranteeing delivery.
can the client binary do this? should I program my own? any hints for this?
>Henrik Nordström
>Squid Hacker
>MARA Systems AB, Sweden
Thankyou for help,
Best regards
Klavs Klavsen
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Received on Thu Oct 18 2001 - 06:03:43 MDT
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