From: luciano lima <luciano@dont-contact.us>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 10:32:08 -0300

Hi all,

I'm using squid.2.3.stable3 in a dual Pentium II 300 56GB cache dir. I'm
trying to configure my costumer's squid caches with cache_peer option to
send icp query to my cache. I made all necessary changes in my squid and
costomers squid. Every thing seems to work fine for about 2 or 3 minutes. I
can see many icp query from the childs.

Then squid stops accepting 3128 http port. I can only see ICP_QUERY in
access.log. No error messages is displayed in access.log. I tried "telnet
localhost 3128" and no connection was established. Then I had to disable icp
in my squid and reconfigure to enable http connections.

Can anyone help me ?


Luciano Lima
ELO Internet
Received on Fri Jun 09 2000 - 08:33:40 MDT

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