Pool for Request structur

From: Rodney Holm <rodneyh@dont-contact.us>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 1998 13:01:20 -0700

I have noticed that my squid seems to be using more memory than usual. The
cache size is set to 1500M with about 1375M full.

        StoreEntry 148541 x 52 bytes = 7543 KB
        URL strings = 7434 KB
        IPCacheEntry 301 x 36 bytes = 10 KB
        FQDNCacheEntry 0 x 56 bytes = 0 KB
        Hash link 41 x 12 bytes = 0 KB
        Pool MemObject structures 1 x 80 bytes = 0 KB ( 0 free)
        Pool for Request structur 4758 x 4408 bytes = 20481 KB ( 0 free)
        Pool for in-memory object 0 x 4096 bytes = 0 KB ( 0 free)
        Pool for disk I/O 354 x 8192 bytes = 2832 KB ( 0 free)
        NetDB Address Entries 0 x 76 bytes = 0 KB
        NetDB Host Entries 0 x 8 bytes = 0 KB
        NetDB Peer Entries 0 x 24 bytes = 0 KB
        ClientDB Entries 27 x 292 bytes = 7 KB
        Miscellaneous = 542 KB
        Total Accounted = 38900 KB

Could someone explain the Pool for Request structure portion.


Rodney D. Holm                  rodneyh@apexxtech.com
Apexx Technology, Inc.          http://www.apexxtech.com
Received on Tue Dec 22 1998 - 12:51:25 MST

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