Holger Reif writes:
>I want to know, how "good" squid works. This is to get something
>100 MB requested
> 30 MB served from cache
> 10 MB fetched from parent/sibling 1
> 10 MB fetched from parent/sibling 2
> 50 MB fetched from original servers
>The scripts from the squid homepage doen't seem to provide this
>info to me.
>My question: which items should I loot at in the log file?
>I.e: which ResultCodes belong to which category and which
>numbers should be counted together?
>I hope to get the scritp done bymyself ;-)
We do something similar for our own caches. The results are at
Here's the guts of a perl script which reads the access log and
categorizes each request.
while (<>) {
@F = split;
$L = $F[3];
$H = $F[8];
$S = $F[4];
next unless ($L =~ /TCP_/); # skip UDP and errors
$all_total_bytes += $S;
if ($H =~ /TIMEOUT/) {
$all_timeout_bytes += $S;
if ($L =~ /HIT/) {
$all_local_hit_bytes += $S;
} elsif ($H =~ /HIT/) {
$all_remote_hit_bytes += $S;
} elsif ($H =~ /MISS/) {
$all_remote_miss_bytes += $S;
} elsif ($H =~ /DIRECT/) {
$all_direct_bytes += $S;
} else {
$all_other_bytes += $S;
Duane W.
Received on Thu May 07 1998 - 13:27:28 MDT
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