> I have just upgraded to Squid v1.1.6, running on FreeBSD 2.1.6, 64MB, 2GB
> cache.
> Can someone tell me the difference of parents and siblings? How does Squid
> handle the two differently?
> After monitoring the Squid access log file for a few minutes, it seems to
> me that if an object is obtained from either a parent or a sibling, my
> Squid does not store the object in its cache. Thus when the same object is
> requested again, the Squid will go to the parent/sibling for it, again.
> Is this true? If so, can I configure my Squid to cache everything came
> from all parents and siblings?
Im under the same impression. DOES anyone know a way around this? I
also find that since the upgrade from 1.0.10 to 1.1.6 that more data
is being retrieved from remote proxy's?!??!?
AND, what about a message that comes up sometimes:
Unknown Server Reply 0!
What does that mena?
| IPAX Systems - Melbourne Australia * IPAX Head Office: (03) 9887-1984 |
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Received on Tue Feb 18 1997 - 13:15:21 MST
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