No resources

From: Ken Kirkby <>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 96 23:06:50 GMT

I am trying to get Squid built and running on our MODCOMP platforms, which are
in essence Motorola 88K SVR3 with a real-time kernel, REALIX. During the build
stage I am unable to stop it treating the O/S as BSD compatible, which it isnt,
although it has some BSD extensions. I've tried editing likely places in the
configure file, but obviously havent hit upon the right place.

It compliles through to completion, and installs. FTPGET certainly works.
However upon accessing through Netscape, I get no resources try again later
[EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK], that means the remote server may be ... which it

Logs show a problem in comm.c around line 379. I dont know whether this a
problem caused by the configure script trying to impose BSD characteristics, or

[11/Jun/1996:23:39:04 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:04 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] comm.c:316: comm_set_fd_lifetime: FD 16 lft
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:1532: asciiHandleConn: FD 16: accepte
d (lifetime 834517128).
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:1381: asciiProcessInput: FD 16: readi
ng request...
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:1382: asciiProcessInput: size = 1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:1381: asciiProcessInput: FD 16: readi
ng request...
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:1382: asciiProcessInput: size = 191
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:697: aclCheck: cli_addr=
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:698: aclCheck: method=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:699: aclCheck: proto=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:699: aclCheck: proto=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:700: aclCheck:
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:701: aclCheck: port=80
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:702: aclCheck: request=/
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:705: aclCheck: checking 'http_access deny ma
nager !localhost'
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:674: aclMatchAclList: list=0x00488C50 op=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:616: aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl manager prot
o cache_object'
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:677: aclMatchAclList: returning 0
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:705: aclCheck: checking 'http_access deny CO
NNECT !SSL_ports'
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:674: aclMatchAclList: list=0x00488A28 op=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:616: aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl CONNECT meth
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:677: aclMatchAclList: returning 0
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:705: aclCheck: checking 'http_access allow
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:674: aclMatchAclList: list=0x00488A10 op=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:616: aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl all src 0.0.
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:493: aclMatchIp: h =
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:493: aclMatchIp: h =
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:494: aclMatchIp: addr1 =
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:495: aclMatchIp: addr2 =
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:498: aclMatchIp: returning 1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:682: aclMatchAclList: returning 1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] acl.c:708: aclCheck: match found, returning 1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:563: icp_hit_or_miss: GET <URL:>
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:501: storeGeneratePublicKey: type=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:466: storeGet: looking up http://www
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:625: icp_hit_or_miss: TCP_MISS for 'http://w'
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] icp.c:690: icpProcessMISS: 'GET
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:604: storeCreateEntry: 'http://www.c' icp flags=51
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:1762: storeGetMemSpace: Starting...
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:1780: storeGetMemSpace: Expired: http
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:1780: storeGetMemSpace: Expired: http
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:2136: storeRelease: Releasing: '1/GET
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:501: storeGeneratePublicKey: type=3
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:171: destroy_StoreEntry: destroying
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:149: destroy_MemObject: destroying 0
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:196: destroy_MemObjectData: destroyi
ng 0x00489528
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:1849: storeGetMemSpace: After freeing
 size: 0 bytes
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:1850: storeGetMemSpace: Purged:
             0 items
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:1851: storeGetMemSpace: Released:
             0 items
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:1857: storeGetMemSpace: Done.
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:128: new_MemObject: returning 0x0055
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:128: new_MemObject: returning 0x0055
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:141: new_StoreEntry: returning 0x004
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:488: storeGeneratePrivateKey: 'http:
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:232: storeHashInsert: Inserting Entr
y 0x004894B8 key '2/GET/'
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:188: new_MemObjectData: calling memI
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] store.c:714: storeRegister: FD 16 '2/GET/htt
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] proto.c:212: protoDispatch: inside_firewall
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] proto.c:215: protoDispatch: query_neighbors
= 8192
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] proto.c:216: protoDispatch: n_edges
= 0
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] proto.c:217: protoDispatch: single_parent
= N/A
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] ipcache.c:787: ipcache_nbgethostbyname: FD 16:
 Name ''.
= N/A
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] ipcache.c:787: ipcache_nbgethostbyname: FD 16:
 Name ''.
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:49 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:49 +1000] proto.c:307: protoCancelTimeout: FD 16 <URL:>
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] http.c:632: httpStart: "GET"
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:372: storeLockObject: locks 2: '2/GE
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] comm.c:379: connect: (11)
 No resources, try again later [EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK].
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:372: storeLockObject: locks 3: '2/GE
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] icp.c:361: icpHandleStore: abort_code=18
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] icp.c:250: icpSendERROR: code 4: port 3128: msg: '
HTTP/1.0 400 Cache Detected Error^M
Server: squid/1.0.beta15^M
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-96 14:58:50 GMT^M
Expires: Tuesday, 11-Jun-96 15:03:50 GMT^M
Last-Modified: Tuesday, 11-Jun-96 14:58:50 GMT^M
Content-Type: text/html^M
Content-Type: text/html^M
Content-Length: 582^M
<TITLE>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</TITLE>
<H2>The requested URL could not be retrieved</H2>
While trying to retrieve the URL:
<A HREF=""></A>
The following error was encountered:
<LI><STRONG>Connection Failed</STRONG>
<P>The system returned:
<PRE><I> (11) No resources, try again later [EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK]</I></PRE>
<P>This means that:
    The remote site or server may be down. Please try again soon.
<P> <HR>
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] proto.c:215: protoDispatch: query_neighbors
= 8192
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] proto.c:216: protoDispatch: n_edges
= 0
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] proto.c:217: protoDispatch: single_parent
= N/A
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:48 +1000] ipcache.c:787: ipcache_nbgethostbyname: FD 16:
 Name ''.
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:49 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:49 +1000] proto.c:307: protoCancelTimeout: FD 16 <URL:>
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] http.c:632: httpStart: "GET"
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:372: storeLockObject: locks 2: '2/GE
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] comm.c:379: connect: (11)
 No resources, try again later [EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK].
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:372: storeLockObject: locks 3: '2/GE
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] icp.c:361: icpHandleStore: abort_code=18
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] icp.c:250: icpSendERROR: code 4: port 3128: msg: '
HTTP/1.0 400 Cache Detected Error^M
Server: squid/1.0.beta15^M
Date: Tuesday, 11-Jun-96 14:58:50 GMT^M
Expires: Tuesday, 11-Jun-96 15:03:50 GMT^M
Last-Modified: Tuesday, 11-Jun-96 14:58:50 GMT^M
Content-Type: text/html^M
Content-Length: 582^M
<TITLE>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</TITLE>
<H2>The requested URL could not be retrieved</H2>
While trying to retrieve the URL:
<A HREF=""></A>
The following error was encountered:
<LI><STRONG>Connection Failed</STRONG>
<P>The system returned:
<PRE><I> (11) No resources, try again later [EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK]</I></PRE>
<P>This means that:
    The remote site or server may be down. Please try again soon.
<P> <HR>
Generated by squid/1.0.beta15@miro

[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:431: storeUnlockObject: key '2/GET/h
ttp://' count=2
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] comm.c:316: comm_set_fd_lifetime: FD 19 lft
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:431: storeUnlockObject: key '2/GET/h
ttp://' count=1
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] icp.c:233: icpSendERRORComplete: FD 16: sz 816: er
r 0.
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] comm.c:316: comm_set_fd_lifetime: FD 16 lft
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:431: storeUnlockObject: key '2/GET/h
ttp://' count=0
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:196: destroy_MemObjectData: destroyi
ng 0x004894F0
[12/Jun/1996:00:58:50 +1000] store.c:188: new_MemObjectData: calling memI
[12/Jun/1996:00:59:50 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:01:00:50 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:01:01:50 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects
[12/Jun/1996:01:02:50 +1000] store.c:2643: Removed 0 expired objects

Any help would be appreciated. I suspect the problem is in the REALIX partial
Berkeley behaviour, which I cant disable in the build, but so much else seems
to be working OK its frustrating. This has happened over Betas 12-15 so I dont
think its related to any of the other beta problems, just me.

Regards Ken Kirkby
K. J. Kirkby and Associates Pty Ltd ACN 007 986 009
PO Box 157 Terrigal NSW, Australia 2260 Ph. +61 43 852335
PLC Peripherals and Realtime Computing Fx +61 43 853720
Bulletin Board Fido 3:711/446 BBS +61 43 853783
Surfing at Terrigal & Avoca Beaches
Received on Tue Jun 11 1996 - 17:11:54 MDT

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