Re: [PATCH] Unknown cfg function

From: Tsantilas Christos <>
Date: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 12:11:14 +0300

Hi all,

I am attaching a new patch which try to handle the reported problems.

Just adding a new method which do special parsing for tokens like the
regex has many effects, for example the ConfigParser::TokenUndo
mechanism can not work.

This patch:
  1) By default disables quoted tokens
("configuration_includes_quoted_values off")

  2) If configuration_includes_quoted_values is off the quoted tokens
parsed using the ConfigParser::NextToken include the quotes, to keep
compatibility with older releases.

 3) For the cases where quoted strings are required (wordlists, Notes
parsing, Headers with acl), the new ConfigParser::NextQuotedToken method
   The old wordlists parser allowed escaping any character, this patch
will return an error if you try to escape alphanumeric characters. The
\r \n and \t have the C semantics.

 4) Add the ConfigParser::RegexPattern() to get the next regex token

 5) Add the ConfigParser::RegexStrtokFile() to get the next regex token
which is compatible with the old strtokFile

 6) Removes the ConfigParser::TokenUndo method. The new method
ConfigParser::NextTokenPreview() which can be used to preview the next
token is added. This method if the next token is invalid (eg unquoted
with special characters) return as token the "SQUID_ERROR_TOKEN" (we do
not want to call self_destruct while previewing next element).

 7) In this patch I kept the ConfigParser::TokenPutBack method which is
used in only one place (acl regex). However this method should removed
in the future, with the ConfigParser::Undo_ member and the
ConfigParser::Undo() method

1) The current trunk parser read a line, and the tokens stored in this
line and the line modified while parsed. This patch consider the line we
are parsing as const and stores parsed tokens to
ConfigParser::CfgLineTokens_ std::queue:
  - we may need to parse again the line (NextTokenPreview/NextToken) so
we do not want to modify it
  - The current line tokens must stored somewhere to support the following:
   char *name = ConfigParser::NextToken();
   char *value = ConfigParser::NextToken();
The ConfigParser::CfgLineTokens_ emptied every time new config line is read.

2) A set of new flags defined under ConfigParser class to define the
type of parsing: ParseRegex_ (next token is regex) ParseQuotedOrToEOL_
(next token is quoted or to-EOL), PreviewMode_ (just do preview do not
pop token)
This method is not the best, but it is not so bad....

3) The goal of new parser was to have a small and simple parser, but now
looks very complex. But it very is difficult to keep compatibility with
a simple parser.
Probably we will need to re-implement it after the old configuration
file style support removed from squid.

On 07/31/2013 07:59 PM, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> Christos, Amos,
> Thank you for working on this! I hope we can avoid repeating the
> same set of mistakes thrice by carefully considering the big picture and
> upgrade path. Here is my understanding of how we want things to work,
> based on the review of the reported bugs and this thread so far:
> 1. configuration_includes_quoted_values defaults to off. The setting
> scope extends from the place where the directive is used to either the
> end of configuration or to the next use, whichever comes first.

OK this patch make configuration_includes_quoted_values defaults to off
> 2. When configuration_includes_quoted_values is on, new "strict syntax"
> rules are enforced:
> 2a. "quoted values" and function()s are supported. %Macros are supported
> inside quoted values and only inside them. Unknown functions and macros
> terminate Squid. Code uses NextToken() to get tokens by default. A small
> subset of hand-picked directives may use NextQuotedOrToEol() or other
> special methods instead of NextToken() to accommodate more legacy cases.
> Logformat is one such example.

I think this patch cover this requirement.

> 2b. A % sign can be \-escaped to block macro expansion in quoted strings
> where needed. A few "standard" escape sequences are supported such as
> \n. Unknown escape sequences terminate Squid.

Any not alphanumeric character can be escaped in this patch.
Also the \n\t\r are supported.
We can add/remove more if required.

> 2c. By default, token delimiter is whitespace. Bare (i.e., unquoted)
> tokens containing any character other than alphanumeric, underscore,
> period, '(', ')', '=', and '-' terminate Squid. For example, foo{bar},
> foo_at_bar, and foo"bar" terminate Squid in strict syntax mode.

In this patch allow the following ".,()-=_%/:"
We can easily add remove characters from this list.
If we remove from this list the ':' then we should require quotes to
define http, icap or ecap urls.
The % used to define percent values and the '/' to define filenames.

> 3. When configuration_includes_quoted_values is off, old "legacy syntax"
> is supported, to the extent possible:
> 3a. "quoted values", functions(), and %macros are not recognized or
> treated specially compared to Squid v3.3. Code uses NextToken() to get
> tokens by default. A small subset of hand-picked directives may use
> NextQuotedOrToEol() instead of NextToken() but that method does _not_
> treat quoted strings specially in legacy mode. Logformat is one such
> example.

OK on this.
I just add the NextQuotedToken to support quoted tokens in "legacy
syntax" mode.
We need it in wordlist tokens, Notes and Header with acls....

> 3b. I am not sure about "file.cfg" include syntax in legacy mode. I
> think it would be OK _not_ to support it (because fixing configurations
> to use new parameters() syntax should not be very difficult in most
> cases), but I may be wrong. If it is easy to continue to support
> "file.cfg" include style in NextToken() working in legacy mode, then we
> should do it.

This patch supports "file.cfg" in legacy mode.

> 4. Exceptions: A small set of directives that already supported quoted
> strings correctly before the introduction of
> configuration_includes_quoted_values must continue to support them.
> These directives should call NextQuotedOrLegacy() method. The method
> temporary forces configuration_includes_quoted_values to ON if and only
> if the next token starts with a quote.

I used the NextQuotedToken for this ...

> This may create a few upgrade problems when, for example, somebody is
> using unsupported %macros inside quoted strings with these options, but
> the support for quoted strings in those headers was added relatively
> recently so there should not be many such cases, and it is not practical
> to treat these options as a complex third class. They have to obey all
> strict syntax rules when they use quoted strings (and also when
> configuration_includes_quoted_values is on, of course).
> 5. Future changes:
> 5a. We revisit handling of 'single quoted strings' later, after the
> above is done. They are useful to disable macros and standard escape
> sequences in strings, but they are not a "must have" for now, and we
> need to decide how to treat \-escapes inside them. We will probably
> allow escaping of two characters only: \ and '.
> 5b. We revisit handling of REs, after the above is done. We will
> probably add a proper dedicated /quoting mechanism/ for them. For now,
> most REs require configuration_includes_quoted_values set to off.
> 5c. I recommend combining 5a and 5b implementation to support a simple
> generic quoting mechanism with an admin-selectable quoting character.
> That is almost a must for REs but also help with general quoting of
> complex expressions. See "Quote and Quote-like Operators" in Perl
> (perlop man page) for ideas (but we only need a few lines from that
> table). Note how 2c facilitates this future change by immediately
> prohibiting unquoted tokens that may become quoted strings later. For
> example q{foobar} is prohibited if configuration_includes_quoted_values
> is on.
> Anything I missed or misrepresented?
> Thank you,
> Alex.

Received on Wed Aug 07 2013 - 09:11:47 MDT

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