Store_url variable usage\implementation problem.

From: Eliezer Croitoru <>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2012 07:10:08 +0200

After finding couple culprits in url validation that causes squid to
deny the use of cached object in cache I kind of understood the *reason*
that the old implementation used the store_url meta field.

What I think is that if the hash fits it means that the store_url is the
same for both original request and current request so there is no need
to store the store_url to validate the rewritten address.

But now I am facing another problem.
while Squid checks the url in the store meta data it checks against the
In the client-side-request code where the store_url helper is embedded I
understood that there is no access to the storeEntry object but only to
the HttpRequest which is being used to calculate the hash and other things.

So the problem is that if I try to access the httpRequest outside of the
cliend-side-request code I am getting something about some segmentation
which I think raises because the httpRequest was finished.

Now I want to somehow flag the store_url existence and maybe data
outside of the httpRequest object and maybe in the
"storeEntry->mem-obj->store_url" level.

I am kind of lost on what available for me to access in each step of the

suggestions are more then welcomed.


Eliezer Croitoru
IT consulting for Nonprofit organizations
eliezer <at>
Received on Tue Nov 20 2012 - 05:10:20 MST

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