On 10/17/2012, Alex Rousskov wrote:
> As a part of Large Rock work, I will also try to fix at least one of
> Store API quality problems that complicate any Store-related
> improvements:
> 4) Get rid of the global store_table. Make it local to non-shared
> caching code.
> One of the biggest challenges would be to handle a combination of
> original non-shared caches and modern shared caches. I will discuss this
> in a separate email.
All "original non-shared caches" use a single store_table global as
their index.
All "modern shared caches" use private, per-cache indexes.
Let's look at the disk cache coordinator class (the StoreHashIndex
replacement) and its "find StoreEntry by key" get() method specifically.
The method needs to return a StoreEntry if one of the cache_dirs has the
object with the right key. See StoreController::get for the current
[misplaced] code.
Let's focus on a case where we have several non-shared disk caches.
Since non-shared cache_dirs share an index, it is pointless to ask each
of them about the same key -- repeated questions will be answered from
the same global index shared by all those cache_dirs. This wastes CPU.
The waste might be noticeable in configurations with many caches.
I can think of three sane ways to approach this:
1) KISS. Simple but inefficient.
> StoreEntry Disks::get(const cache_key *key) {
> // ask each cache_dir
> for each cache_dir sd {
> if (StoreEntry *e = sd->get(key))
> return e;
> }
> return NULL; // not on disk
> }
Each cache dir will be asked whether it has the object until the object
is found or there are no more cache_dirs to ask. For ufs cache_dirs,
such questions are pointless except for the very first one.
2) Optimize some hits. Screw all misses. Misses are expensive anyway.
> StoreEntry Disks::get(const cache_key *key) {
> // XXX: Layering violation. Check ufs-only global first.
> if (StoreEntry *e = GlobalUfsIndex->get(key))
> return e;
> // ask each cache_dir
> for each cache_dir sd {
> if (StoreEntry *e = sd->get(key))
> return e;
> }
> return NULL; // not on disk
> }
If the object is not in the global ufs cache_dir index, each cache dir
will be asked whether it has the object. For ufs cache_dirs, such
questions are pointless. The current code implements this option.
3) Complex but optimal:
StoreEntry Disks::get(const cache_key *key) {
// check one cache dir from the Shared Index group
if (StoreEntry *e = DirsSharingIndex[0]->get(key))
return e;
// ask each cache_dir that maintains individual index
for each cache_dir sd in DirsWithPrivateIndexes {
if (StoreEntry *e = sd->get(key))
return e;
return NULL; // not on disk
This option avoids any repeated questions but requires each cache_dir to
register in one of the two groups: dirs that are sharing the same index
and dirs that have private isolated indexes. This still essentially
leaks the index sharing fact from the UFS layer into core, but in a
hidden way.
4) Remove the problem. Let each UFS cache_dir have their own private
store_table and the expense of some RAM/CPU waste.
This solution completely removes the problem because all cache_dirs
become the same when it comes to their index sharing. However it will
probably cause some RAM waste for configurations with a large number of
ufs cache_dirs because N small store_tables will probably consume more
space than one large store_table representing N dirs. It will probably
also waste some CPU cycles because querying N small store_tables is
slower than querying one large store_table representing N dirs.
The code sketch will be the same as in #1 but with different implications.
The same problem may be present in other methods where querying indexes
of individual cache dirs is needed.
I am tempted to do #4. Which approach do you think we should use?
Thank you,
Received on Wed Oct 17 2012 - 17:05:16 MDT
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