Re: ICAP connections under heavy loads

From: Alex Rousskov <>
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2012 08:17:07 -0600

On 09/01/2012 03:26 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> On 1/09/2012 5:05 a.m., Alex Rousskov wrote:
>> * For the conn-open-timeout patch:
>> Most importantly, the timeout handler should abort the ConnOpener job on
>> the spot rather than go through one more select() try.

> ConnOpener should be obeying squid.conf connect_retries option for
> number of times it closes the socket, re-open and re-connect()s.

Yes, but IMO the timeout has higher priority than connect_retries. In
other words, if we timed out, we should bail, even if we tried fewer
than connect_retries times. Squid.conf documentation seems to agree with me:

> This sets the maximum number of connection attempts made for each
> TCP connection. The connect_retries attempts must all still
> complete within the connection timeout period.

Three designs are possible:

1. Bail after N retries, using T second timeout for each try.
2. Bail after N retries or T seconds, whichever comes first.
3. Bail after N retries (using T1 second timeout for each try) or
   after T2 seconds, whichever comes first.

We should not do #1 IMO because we want to limit the total transaction
wait time in most cases (and care less about lower-level details such as
the number of retries).

Documentation says that we do #2. I think we should do that. If we do
not do that, we should fix the code. Specifically, ConnOpener's timeout
handler should not call the connect() method.

#3 is the most flexible approach but it requires more squid.conf options
to distinguish a single-connect timeout from the aggregate connect
timeout. I am not against that, but #2 seems sufficient until we have
well-justified requests for #3.

Hope this clarifies,

Received on Tue Sep 04 2012 - 14:17:28 MDT

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