Re: [PATCH] Check half-closed descriptors at most once per second.

From: Adrian Chadd <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2008 14:08:53 +0800

2008/9/25 Alex Rousskov <>:

> This revision resurrects 1 check/sec limit, but hopefully with fewer
> bugs. In my limited tests, CPU usage seems to be back to normal.

Woo, thanks!

> The DescriptorSet class has O(1) complexity for search, insertion,
> and deletion. It uses about 2*sizeof(int)*MaxFD bytes. Splay tree that
> used to store half-closed descriptors previously uses less RAM for small
> number of descriptors but has O(log n) complexity.
> The DescriptorSet code should probably get its own .h and .cc files,
> especially if it is going to be used by deferred reads.

Could you do that sooner rather than later? I'd like to try using this
code for deferred reads and delay pools.


Received on Thu Sep 25 2008 - 06:08:56 MDT

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