Re: How to use IPv6 in preference to IPv4?

From: Amos Jeffries <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 20:04:46 +1200

Steve Snyder wrote:
> Hello.
> [I am not a subscriber to the dev list, so please CC me with any
> responses. Thank you.]
> I am playing with a 3.HEAD-20080820 build of Squid, to use it's support
> for IPv6. It seems to be working well (maybe a little slow relative to
> v2.7S4, both on Linux) except for one irritation. Given a site with
> both A and AAAA records, Squid always opts for the IPv4 connection.
> It seems that a lot of predominantly-IPv6 sites also maintain an IPv4
> address, just so they can tell you to get on board with IPv6. For
> sites with only AAAA records, Squid does a great job of getting the
> content to me.
> Even the use of the square-bracket scheme (e.g.
> http://[]/ ) isn't enough to coax Squid into IPv6 land when
> a IPv4 address is also found by DNS look-up.
> How can I instruct Squid to prefer the IPv6 address over an IPv4
> address?

Should not be. I coded it specifically to prefer v6 if working.

Check that:
  - you do not have the 'balance_on_multiple_ip' option enabled in your
squid.conf (that badly screws up modern DNS smart balancing).

  - the IPv6 addresses are actually contactable, squid will prefer first
working IP. Only reverting back to fresh when the DNS TTL expires or all
IP have failed.

  - you don't have 'tcp_outgoing_address' prefering an IPv4 for any ipv6

If it still occurs can you point me at some of the problem sites?


Please use Squid 2.7.STABLE4 or 3.0.STABLE8
Received on Thu Aug 21 2008 - 08:04:36 MDT

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