mån 2007-02-05 klockan 16:20 +0100 skrev Michael Matusiak:
> In the past me and my friend been working on some etag support for
> squid (loooong ago) although we kind of stopped when new projects
> during studies came up.
Welcome back!
> If you have any suggestions on what you need most help with, I would
> gladly hear them.
There is still some ETag stuff missing. It appears If-None-Match is not
always used on cache validations in Squid-2.6 for instance. And the
whole ETag thing still needs to be polished and updated for Squid-3 as
that task hasn't got finished yet, still in the state you left it I
think. There is also some ETag/Vary related bugfixes to port forward
from Squid-2 to the Squid-3 version.
And there is also a lot of task getting Squid-3 generally into shape.
During the autumn some design errors was identified in Squid-3 overusing
reference counting for things it's not always suitable for..
If you have time then there is no shortage of things to do.
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