resend of content-encoding / gzip design

From: Jon Kay <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 15:18:08 -0600

I tried to send this last night, but it got filtered because it's
written in html.

Here's a text translation:

                    Gzip Content-Encoding in Squid Design

Version Choice

The goal will be to get these changes into Squid3 HEAD.


New HttpHdrContCode module, that parses related HTTP headers, and
for encoding or decoding appropriately. To be called from
clientProcessRequest, cacheHit, and processReplyHeader.

New HttpContentCoder abstract type, with functions:

     encodeStart(): called from HttpHdrContCode
     encodeEnd(): called from comm_close handler
     encodeChunk(): called from storeClientCopy handler

     decodeStart(): called from HttpStateData::processReplyHeader
     decodeEnd(): called from comm_close handler
     decodeChunk(): called from comm_read handler


New per-coded-object ContentCoderState, to handle coding state. It will
include fields:

     HttpContentCoder *coder
     off_t codedOffset

The HttpStateData class will have a usually nulled reference to a
ContentEncoder. It will only be non-null for objects which are being
or decoded.

Other changes needed:
*Add new content_coding field to HttpReply.
*New httpHeaderGetContentEncoding(HttpReply *) function in


A new GzipContentCoder module, which will be an instance of

Data encoding will be handled by the zlib library. The gzip
drivers are expected to include a binary-compatible zlib library.


     gzEncodeStart: call inflateInit2(), write header
     gzEncodeEnd: write trailer
     gzEncodeChunk: call inflate()

     gzDecodeStart: call deflateInit2(), read and verify header
     gzDecodeEnd: verify trailer
     gzDecodeChunk: call deflate()

     gzDoSaveEncoded(): true

Test Strategy

Must pass the test suite.

Must add appropriate tests, including sending gzipped content to oneself


Will also test against Apache mod_gzip implementation, and maybe even
Received on Thu Feb 26 2004 - 14:18:46 MST

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