CE(gzip) for squid-2.5STABLE3

From: Gonzalo Arana <garana@dont-contact.us>
Date: 20 Aug 2003 16:00:24 -0300


I wrote a mail a couple of days ago asking for guidelines about adding
Content-Encoding: gzip support for squid.
I have been working, but now I'm stucked.

I modified clientSendMoreData this way (see attached patch for more
detailed info):
  if (http->out.offset == 0) {
   check if log mime headers
   rep = clientBuildReply(http, buf, size);
   if (rep) {
     body too large check
>> if (must_compress) {
>> compress 'size' bytes located at 'buf', producing 'zbytes'
>> of compressed bytes in zipped_buff.
>> size = zbytes - rep->hdr_sz;
>> memcpy(buf + rep->hdr_sz, zipped_buff, zbytes);
>> }
   } else if (!http->request->range) {
>> if (must_compress) {
>> compress 'size' bytes located at 'buf' to zipped_buf
>> body_size += zbytes - pbytes;
>> size = zbytes;
>> memcpy(buf, zipped_buf, zbytes);
>> }
     http->out.offset += body_size;
     comm_write(fd, buf, size, clientWriteBodyComplete, http, NULL);
     /* NULL because clientWriteBodyComplete frees it */

And the call sequence from cache_log is this (omitting some entries):

clientProcessRequest: GET $URL
clientProcessRequest: TCP_MISS for $URL
clientProcessMiss: 'GET URL'
storeClientCopy: $HASH_KEY, seen 0, want 0, size 4096
storeClientCopy2: $HASH_KEY
storeClientCopy3: Waiting for more
storeClientCopy2: $HASH_KEY
storeClientCopy3: Copying from memory (1368 bytes, hi=1368, lo=0)
>>> reply got from server is 1368 bytes = 133 headers + 1335 body
clientSendMoreData: $URL, 1368 bytes
clientSendMoreData: FD 9 '$URL', out.offset=0
clientBuildReplyHeader: can't keep-alive, unknown body size
clientSendMoreData: (no data sent yet) (http->out.offset == 0)
gzip_data: Got 1235 bytes, out avail 4086 bytes
>>> have 1235 plain bytes and 4k zipped buffer to write output
>>> gzip_data writes 10 bytes (gzip header) to outbuffer.
clientSendMoreData: Appending 10 bytes after 133 bytes of headers
clientSendMoreData: packed reply: 207 bytes
>>> reply sent to client has: 207 bytes header + 10 bytes content
>>> more content may come later
clientSendMoreData: queueing mb(217 bytes) and clientWriteComplete
clientWriteComplete: FD 9, sz 217, err 0, off 143, len -1
storeClientCopy: $HASH_KEY, seen 143, want 143, size 4096, cb !NULL,
cbdata !NULL
storeClientCopy2: $HASH_KEY
storeClientCopy3: Copying from memory (1225 bytes, hi=1368, lo=0)
>>> ok, here comes my problem:
>>> 1235 bytes have been 'eaten' by last call to clientSendMoreData->
>>> gzip_data, but storeClientCopy3 thinks it has only 'consumed' 10
>>> bytes.
>>> Should I alter http->entry->mem_obj->inmem_hi??

I guess storeClientCopy3 thinks that 10 bytes has been 'consumed'
because http->out.offset has been incremented by 10, rather than 1335
(original body size so far).

How should I fix this? I mean, clientSendMoreData is called with data is
has already processed.

Thank you very much in advance,

Gonzalo Arana <garana@uolsinectis.com.ar>
UOL-Sinectis S.A.

--- squid-2.5.STABLE3/src/client_side.c Sat May 24 08:08:41 2003
+++ squid-2.5.STABLE3-visolve_tcp_rtsignal-gzip/src/client_side.c Wed Aug 20 15:31:24 2003
@@ -1395,57 +1396,87 @@
         getMyHostname(), ntohs(Config.Sockaddr.http->s.sin_port));
     if (httpReplyBodySize(request->method, rep) < 0) {
         debug(33, 3) ("clientBuildReplyHeader: can't keep-alive, unknown body size\n");
         request->flags.proxy_keepalive = 0;
     /* Signal keep-alive if needed */
         http->flags.accel ? HDR_CONNECTION : HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION,
         request->flags.proxy_keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close");
      * Knowing the URI of the request is useful when debugging persistent
      * connections in a client; we cannot guarantee the order of http headers,
      * but X-Request-URI is likely to be the very last header to ease use from a
      * debugger [hdr->entries.count-1].
     httpHeaderPutStr(hdr, HDR_X_REQUEST_URI,
         http->entry->mem_obj->url ? http->entry->mem_obj->url : http->uri);
+ /* If no ranges involved, and
+ * client accepts gzipped data, and
+ * content isn't alreadly 'encoded' (compressed, or something else)
+ */
+ if (!request->range &&
+ (httpHeaderGetAcceptEncoding(&http->request->header) & ENCODING_GZIP) &&
+ !httpHeaderGetContentEncoding(&rep->header)) {
+ int cl = 9; /* //TODO: write CompressionLevel(); */
+ /* if client accepts gzipped data
+ * and acls are matched, do compress.
+ */
+ httpHeaderPutStr(hdr, HDR_CONTENT_ENCODING, "gzip");
+ assert(http->conn);
+ debug(33, 3)("Setting compression %d level on fd %d\n", cl, http->conn->fd);
+ http->compress.level = cl;
+ http->compress.offset = rep->hdr_sz; /* //TODO: set to header size */
+ http->compress.gzdata = xmalloc(sizeof(z_stream)); /* //TODO: use mem pools instead */
+ /* //TODO: where should I free gzdata */
+ deflateInit2(http->compress.gzdata, http->compress.level,
+ http->compress.crc = crc32(0L, NULL, 0);
+ http->compress.zlen = 0;
+ debug(33, 3)("Setting compression offset=%d\n", rep->hdr_sz);
+ }
     httpHdrMangleList(hdr, request);
 static HttpReply *
 clientBuildReply(clientHttpRequest * http, const char *buf, size_t size)
     HttpReply *rep = httpReplyCreate();
     size_t k = headersEnd(buf, size);
     if (k && httpReplyParse(rep, buf, k)) {
         /* enforce 1.0 reply version */
         httpBuildVersion(&rep->sline.version, 1, 0);
         /* do header conversions */
         clientBuildReplyHeader(http, rep);
         /* if we do ranges, change status to "Partial Content" */
         if (http->request->range)
             httpStatusLineSet(&rep->sline, rep->sline.version,
                 HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT, NULL);
+// else
+// fd_table[http->conn.fd].compress.offset = rep->header->len; /* //TODO: set to header size */
     } else {
         /* parsing failure, get rid of the invalid reply */
         rep = NULL;
         /* if we were going to do ranges, backoff */
         if (http->request->range) {
             /* this will fail and destroy request->range */
             clientBuildRangeHeader(http, rep);
     return rep;
  * clientCacheHit should only be called until the HTTP reply headers
  * have been parsed. Normally this should be a single call, but
  * it might take more than one. As soon as we have the headers,
  * we hand off to clientSendMoreData, clientProcessExpired, or
  * clientProcessMiss.
@@ -1866,69 +1897,140 @@
  * can choose to block these responses where appropriate, but won't get
  * mysterious breakages.
 static int
 clientAlwaysAllowResponse(http_status sline)
     switch (sline) {
     case HTTP_CONTINUE:
     case HTTP_NO_CONTENT:
         return 1;
         /* unreached */
         return 0;
+#ifdef USE_CEGZIP
+ * Compression routine:
+ * osize: available output bytes
+ * isize: available input bytes
+ */
+static void gzip_data(struct compress_state* compress,
+ char* obuf, int *osize, char* ibuf, int *isize) {
+#if 0
+ memcpy(obuf, ibuf, *isize);
+ compress->zlen += *isize;
+ compress->plen += *isize;
+ *osize = *isize;
+ *isize = 0;
+ return;
+ int processed_bytes = 0; /* plain bytes consumed by deflate call */
+ int generated_bytes = 0; /* zipped bytes written by this deflate call */
+ debug(85,3)("gzip_data: Got %d bytes, out avail %d bytes\n", *isize, *osize);
+ /* Have to compress on this socket */
+ assert(compress && obuf && ibuf);
+ compress->gzdata->next_in = ibuf;
+ compress->gzdata->avail_in = *isize;
+ compress->gzdata->next_out = obuf;
+ compress->gzdata->avail_out = *osize;
+ compress->deflate_status = deflate(compress->gzdata, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+ assert(compress->gzdata->avail_out);
+ processed_bytes = *isize - compress->gzdata->avail_in;
+ generated_bytes = *osize - compress->gzdata->avail_out;
+ compress->zlen += generated_bytes;
+ compress->plen += processed_bytes;
+ compress->crc = crc32(compress->crc, ibuf, processed_bytes);
+ *isize = compress->gzdata->avail_in;
+ *osize = compress->gzdata->avail_out;
+ /* all data has to be processed */
+ debug(85,3)("gzip_data: pbytes=%d zbytes=%d avail_out=%d "
+ "avail_in=%d deflate_statu=%d crc=%u plen=%u zlen=%u\n",
+ processed_bytes, generated_bytes, compress->gzdata->avail_out,
+ compress->gzdata->avail_in, compress->deflate_status, compress->crc,
+ compress->plen, compress->zlen);
+static void gzip_done(struct compress_state* compress, char* obuf, int *osize,
+ char* ibuf, int* isize) {
+ gzip_data(compress, obuf, osize, ibuf, isize);
+ if (compress->deflate_status != Z_STREAM_END)
+ do {
+ int zipped_bytes = 0;
+ compress->gzdata->next_in = NULL;
+ compress->gzdata->avail_in = 0;
+ compress->gzdata->next_out = obuf;
+ compress->gzdata->avail_out = *osize;
+ compress->deflate_status = deflate(compress->gzdata, Z_FINISH);
+ assert(compress->gzdata->avail_out);
+ zipped_bytes = *osize - compress->gzdata->avail_out;
+ obuf += zipped_bytes;
+ *osize -= zipped_bytes;
+ compress->zlen += zipped_bytes;
+ debug(85, 3)("gzip_done: zbytes=%d deflate_status=%d \n",
+ zipped_bytes, compress->deflate_status);
+ } while (compress->deflate_status == Z_OK &&
+ compress->gzdata->avail_out >= 8);
+ memcpy(obuf+osize[0], &compress->zlen, 4);
+ *osize -= 4;
+ memcpy(obuf+osize[0], &compress->crc, 4);
+ *osize -= 4;
  * accepts chunk of a http message in buf, parses prefix, filters headers and
  * such, writes processed message to the client's socket
 static void
 clientSendMoreData(void *data, char *buf, ssize_t size)
     clientHttpRequest *http = data;
     StoreEntry *entry = http->entry;
     ConnStateData *conn = http->conn;
     int fd = conn->fd;
     HttpReply *rep = NULL;
     const char *body_buf = buf;
     ssize_t body_size = size;
     MemBuf mb;
     ssize_t check_size = 0;
     debug(33, 5) ("clientSendMoreData: %s, %d bytes\n", http->uri, (int) size);
     assert(size <= CLIENT_SOCK_SZ);
     assert(http->request != NULL);
     dlinkDelete(&http->active, &ClientActiveRequests);
     dlinkAdd(http, &http->active, &ClientActiveRequests);
     debug(33, 5) ("clientSendMoreData: FD %d '%s', out.offset=%ld \n",
         fd, storeUrl(entry), (long int) http->out.offset);
     if (conn->chr != http) {
         /* there is another object in progress, defer this one */
         debug(33, 2) ("clientSendMoreData: Deferring %s\n", storeUrl(entry));
         memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
     } else if (http->request->flags.reset_tcp) {
+ memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
     } else if (entry && EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) {
         /* call clientWriteComplete so the client socket gets closed */
         clientWriteComplete(fd, NULL, 0, COMM_OK, http);
         memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
     } else if (size < 0) {
         /* call clientWriteComplete so the client socket gets closed */
         clientWriteComplete(fd, NULL, 0, COMM_OK, http);
         memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
     } else if (size == 0) {
         /* call clientWriteComplete so the client socket gets closed */
         clientWriteComplete(fd, NULL, 0, COMM_OK, http);
         memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
     if (http->out.offset == 0) {
         if (Config.onoff.log_mime_hdrs) {
@@ -1937,148 +2039,208 @@
                 http->al.headers.reply = xcalloc(k + 1, 1);
                 xstrncpy(http->al.headers.reply, buf, k);
         rep = clientBuildReply(http, buf, size);
         if (rep) {
             aclCheck_t *ch;
             int rv;
             clientMaxBodySize(http->request, http, rep);
             if (clientReplyBodyTooLarge(http, rep->content_length)) {
                 ErrorState *err = errorCon(ERR_TOO_BIG, HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
                 err->request = requestLink(http->request);
                 storeUnregister(http->sc, http->entry, http);
                 http->sc = NULL;
                 http->entry = clientCreateStoreEntry(http, http->request->method,
                 errorAppendEntry(http->entry, err);
+ memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
+ /* no data has been sent */
+#ifdef USE_CEGZIP
+ /* check if gzip on content has to be done */
+ /* TODO: check that we are not gziping \r\n\r\n */
+ if (http->compress.gzdata) {
+ char tmpbuf[CLIENT_SOCK_SZ] = {
+ 0x1f, 0x8b, // gzip magick
+ 0x08, // compression method: deflate
+ 0, // flags: is ascii, etc.
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, // mtime of file (now)
+ 0x02, // extra flags: max compression
+ 0x03 // os of compression: UNIX
+ };
+ int avail_zbytes = HTTP_REPLY_BUF_SZ - 10;
+ int zbytes = avail_zbytes; /* zipped bytes */
+ int pbytes = size - rep->hdr_sz; /* plain bytes */
+ debug(85, 3)("clientSendMoreData: (no data sent yet)\n");
+ gzip_data(&http->compress, tmpbuf+10, &zbytes,
+ buf + rep->hdr_sz, &pbytes);
+ zbytes -= avail_zbytes;
+ zbytes += 10; /* header count */
+ size = zbytes + rep->hdr_sz;
+ memcpy(buf + rep->hdr_sz, tmpbuf, zbytes);
+ }
             body_size = size - rep->hdr_sz;
             assert(body_size >= 0);
             body_buf = buf + rep->hdr_sz;
             http->range_iter.prefix_size = rep->hdr_sz;
             debug(33, 3) ("clientSendMoreData: Appending %d bytes after %d bytes of headers\n",
                 (int) body_size, rep->hdr_sz);
             ch = clientAclChecklistCreate(Config.accessList.reply, http);
             ch->reply = rep;
             rv = aclCheckFast(Config.accessList.reply, ch);
             ch = NULL;
             debug(33, 2) ("The reply for %s %s is %s, because it matched '%s'\n",
                 RequestMethodStr[http->request->method], http->uri,
                 rv ? "ALLOWED" : "DENIED",
                 AclMatchedName ? AclMatchedName : "NO ACL's");
             if (!rv && rep->sline.status != HTTP_FORBIDDEN
                 && !clientAlwaysAllowResponse(rep->sline.status)) {
                 /* the if above is slightly broken, but there is no way
                  * to tell if this is a squid generated error page, or one from
                  * upstream at this point. */
                 ErrorState *err;
                 err = errorCon(ERR_ACCESS_DENIED, HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
                 err->request = requestLink(http->request);
                 storeUnregister(http->sc, http->entry, http);
                 http->sc = NULL;
                 http->entry = clientCreateStoreEntry(http, http->request->method,
                 errorAppendEntry(http->entry, err);
+ /*
+ * log with TCP_DENIED, the same as for http_access checks
+ */
+ http->log_type = LOG_TCP_DENIED;
+ memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
         } else if (size < CLIENT_SOCK_SZ && entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) {
+ debug(33, 3)("clientSendMoreData: waiting for more to arrive\n");
             /* wait for more to arrive */
             storeClientCopy(http->sc, entry,
                 http->out.offset + size,
         /* reset range iterator */
         http->range_iter.pos = HttpHdrRangeInitPos;
     } else if (!http->request->range) {
         /* Avoid copying to MemBuf for non-range requests */
         /* Note, if we're here, then 'rep' is known to be NULL */
+ /* queueing data to be sent */
+#ifdef USE_CEGZIP
+ /* compressing data to be sent */
+ if (http->compress.gzdata) {
+ char tmpbuf[CLIENT_SOCK_SZ];
+ int avail_zbytes = HTTP_REPLY_BUF_SZ - size;
+ int zbytes = avail_zbytes;
+ int avail_pbytes = size;
+ int pbytes = avail_pbytes;
+ int orig_size = size;
+ debug(85, 3)("clientSendMoreData: (http->out.offset=%d, "
+ "http->entry->reply->content_length=%d) \n",
+ http->out.offset, http->entry->mem_obj->reply->content_length);
+ gzip_done(&http->compress, tmpbuf, &avail_zbytes, buf, &avail_pbytes);
+ zbytes -= avail_zbytes;
+ pbytes -= avail_pbytes;
+ body_size += zbytes - pbytes;
+ size = zbytes;
+ memcpy(buf, tmpbuf, zbytes);
+ http->entry->mem_obj->inmem_hi += http->compress.zlen - http->compress.plen;
+ }
         http->out.offset += body_size;
         comm_write(fd, buf, size, clientWriteBodyComplete, http, NULL);
         /* NULL because clientWriteBodyComplete frees it */
     if (http->request->method == METHOD_HEAD) {
         if (rep) {
             /* do not forward body for HEAD replies */
             body_size = 0;
             http->flags.done_copying = 1;
         } else {
              * If we are here, then store_status == STORE_OK and it
              * seems we have a HEAD repsponse which is missing the
              * empty end-of-headers line (home.mira.net, phttpd/0.99.72
              * does this). Because clientBuildReply() fails we just
              * call this reply a body, set the done_copying flag and
              * continue...
             http->flags.done_copying = 1;
              * And as this is a malformed HTTP reply we cannot keep
              * the connection persistent
             http->request->flags.proxy_keepalive = 0;
     /* write headers and/or body if any */
     assert(rep || (body_buf && body_size));
     /* init mb; put status line and headers if any */
     if (rep) {
         mb = httpReplyPack(rep);
         http->out.offset += rep->hdr_sz;
+ debug(85, 3)("clientSendMoreData: packed reply: %d bytes\n", mb.size);
         check_size += rep->hdr_sz;
         headersLog(0, 0, http->request->method, rep);
         rep = NULL;
     } else {
     /* append body if any */
     if (http->request->range) {
         /* Only GET requests should have ranges */
         assert(http->request->method == METHOD_GET);
         /* clientPackMoreRanges() updates http->out.offset */
         /* force the end of the transfer if we are done */
         if (!clientPackMoreRanges(http, body_buf, body_size, &mb))
             http->flags.done_copying = 1;
     } else if (body_buf && body_size) {
+ /* TODO: must compress here */
+ debug(33, 5)("clientSendMoreData: appending %d bytes to http->out.offset=%d\n",
+ body_size, http->out.offset);
         http->out.offset += body_size;
         check_size += body_size;
         memBufAppend(&mb, body_buf, body_size);
     if (!http->request->range && http->request->method == METHOD_GET)
         assert(check_size == size);
     /* write */
+ debug(33, 3)("clientSendMoreData: queueing mb(%d bytes) and "
+ "clientWriteComplete\n", mb.size);
     comm_write_mbuf(fd, mb, clientWriteComplete, http);
     /* if we don't do it, who will? */
     memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
  * clientWriteBodyComplete is called for MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF's
  * written directly to the client socket, versus copying to a MemBuf
  * and going through comm_write_mbuf. Most non-range responses after
  * the headers probably go through here.
 static void
 clientWriteBodyComplete(int fd, char *buf, size_t size, int errflag, void *data)
      * NOTE: clientWriteComplete doesn't currently use its "buf"
      * (second) argument, so we pass in NULL.
     clientWriteComplete(fd, NULL, size, errflag, data);
     memFree(buf, MEM_CLIENT_SOCK_BUF);
--- squid-2.5.STABLE3/src/structs.h Sat May 10 19:17:44 2003
+++ squid-2.5.STABLE3-visolve_tcp_rtsignal-gzip/src/structs.h Wed Aug 20 14:40:29 2003
@@ -575,87 +575,92 @@
         int reload_into_ims;
         int offline;
         int redir_rewrites_host;
         int prefer_direct;
         int nonhierarchical_direct;
         int strip_query_terms;
         int redirector_bypass;
         int ignore_unknown_nameservers;
         int client_pconns;
         int server_pconns;
         int digest_generation;
         int log_ip_on_direct;
         int ie_refresh;
         int vary_ignore_expire;
         int pipeline_prefetch;
         int request_entities;
+ int responce_ce_negotiation;
     } onoff;
     acl *aclList;
     struct {
         acl_access *http;
         acl_access *icp;
         acl_access *miss;
         acl_access *NeverDirect;
         acl_access *AlwaysDirect;
         acl_access *ASlists;
         acl_access *noCache;
         acl_access *snmp;
         acl_access *brokenPosts;
         acl_access *identLookup;
         acl_access *redirector;
         acl_access *reply;
+ acl_access *response_ce_gzip;
         acl_address *outgoing_address;
         acl_tos *outgoing_tos;
     } accessList;
     acl_deny_info_list *denyInfoList;
     struct _authConfig {
         authScheme *schemes;
         int n_allocated;
         int n_configured;
     } authConfig;
     struct {
         size_t list_width;
         int list_wrap;
         char *anon_user;
         int passive;
         int sanitycheck;
     } Ftp;
     refresh_t *Refresh;
     struct _cacheSwap {
         SwapDir *swapDirs;
         int n_allocated;
         int n_configured;
     } cacheSwap;
     struct {
         char *directory;
     } icons;
     char *errorDirectory;
     struct {
         time_t timeout;
         int maxtries;
     } retry;
     struct {
         size_t limit;
     } MemPools;
     delayConfig Delay;
     struct {
         int icp_average;
         int dns_average;
         int http_average;
         int icp_min_poll;
         int dns_min_poll;
         int http_min_poll;
     } comm_incoming;
     int max_open_disk_fds;
     int uri_whitespace;
     size_t rangeOffsetLimit;
@@ -1030,77 +1035,92 @@
         icp_opcode opcode;
     } icp;
     struct {
         struct in_addr caddr;
         size_t size;
         log_type code;
         int msec;
         const char *rfc931;
         const char *authuser;
     } cache;
     struct {
         char *request;
         char *reply;
     } headers;
     struct {
         const char *method_str;
     } private;
     HierarchyLogEntry hier;
+struct compress_state {
+ unsigned int level:4; /* compression level: 1-9 */
+ unsigned int offset; /* how many bytes have to skip before to compress */
+ z_stream* gzdata; /* zlib internal state */
+ unsigned crc; /* crc32 */
+ unsigned zlen; /* compressed bytes */
+ unsigned plen; /* plain data bytes: uncompressed length */
+ int deflate_status; /* last deflate return value */
+}; /* so far, only compressing on network writes */
 struct _clientHttpRequest {
     ConnStateData *conn;
     request_t *request; /* Parsed URL ... */
     store_client *sc; /* The store_client we're using */
     store_client *old_sc; /* ... for entry to be validated */
     char *uri;
     char *log_uri;
     struct {
         off_t offset;
         size_t size;
     } out;
     HttpHdrRangeIter range_iter; /* data for iterating thru range specs */
     size_t req_sz; /* raw request size on input, not current request size */
     StoreEntry *entry;
     StoreEntry *old_entry;
     log_type log_type;
     const char *lookup_type; /* temporary hack: storeGet() result: HIT/MISS/NONE */
     struct timeval start;
     http_version_t http_ver;
     int redirect_state;
     aclCheck_t *acl_checklist; /* need ptr back so we can unreg if needed */
     clientHttpRequest *next;
     AccessLogEntry al;
     struct {
         unsigned int accel:1;
         unsigned int internal:1;
         unsigned int done_copying:1;
         unsigned int purging:1;
     } flags;
     struct {
         http_status status;
         char *location;
     } redirect;
     dlink_node active;
     size_t maxBodySize;
+ struct compress_state compress;
 struct _ConnStateData {
     int fd;
     struct {
         char *buf;
         off_t offset;
         size_t size;
     } in;
     struct {
         size_t size_left; /* How much body left to process */
         request_t *request; /* Parameters passed to clientReadBody */
         char *buf;
         size_t bufsize;
         CBCB *callback;
         void *cbdata;
     } body;
     auth_type_t auth_type; /* Is this connection based authentication ? if so
                                  * what type it is. */
     /* note this is ONLY connection based because NTLM is against HTTP spec */
Received on Wed Aug 20 2003 - 12:58:21 MDT

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