Re: Storing partial responses

From: Brian Degenhardt <>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 13:40:33 -0800

Ooh... that would be great for my needs (mp3 streaming). I'd like to help
as much as possible although my knowledge about the squid source is still
limited. Here's my 0.02:

This would be really nice to augment quick_abort such that if the client
drops connection half way through the transfer, the object can be cached as
a partial response.

As for the per-FS vs. meta-level support, I'm going to cast my vote on the
per-FS side. Here's my scenario why: Perhaps people could write
filesystems that were tuned towards different frequencies of partial
requests. If the all-in-one object solution is good for one load, versus
the one-object-per-segment, users then have a choice.

Anyways, I'm willing to help where I can.


On Tue, Dec 12, 2000 at 06:07:47PM +1100, Robert Collins wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I've added a new branch on sourceforge for working on storeing and returning HITS from partial responses. I don't know how fast
> I'll move it along :]. If anyone wants to collaborate on it then fantastic.
> for reference, the tag is storepartial.
> My rough approach plan is to
> a) get strong validation working. (if it's not already)
> b) figure out how best to store multiple sections from a URL in the object store. IE should we consider each non-overlapping range a
> separate URI? Or perhaps store a series of sections in the ondisk object with common details in the meta data and then 1..n sections
> of defined length and offset? I haven't put a great deal of effort into this, and I'm hoping to avoid invalidating the existing
> caches when it happens.
> c) get squid caching the partial responses and serving hits that are completely covered by in-cache range data.
> d) look into extra optimisations (for example, if we have a partial response in cache, ask the origin for a HEAD, and if a strong
> validator comparison succeeds send one or more range requests to the origin, fulfilling the client from the store and from the
> origin.)
> Rob
Received on Tue Dec 12 2000 - 14:40:35 MST

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